I coulda dropped my croissant

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Got tagged by IcyHotPeppermintDrop

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What's your zodiac sign?

Tauries. I was born on the cusp of both Taurus and Aries changing so I've got both their traits.

Most used words?

The catto
I mean, murder is still an option.
That sucks
Do you need a hug?

That's a few I can think off the top of my head lmao.

Do you suck or bite lollipops?

Why don't you come over here and find out?

On a more serious note, I usually bite lollipops.

Do you talk to yourself?

All the time. Even in my sleep.

Do you like short or long hair?

Short hair, it makes me feel free.

Are you attracted to dark or bright colours?

Dark colours! But I like pastels too. Really bright colours hurt my eyes.

How fast can you type?

Depends on the electronic I'm using. I can't type really fast on laptops/computers. I used to be good at typing on phones but I don't use phones anymore and do everything on my iPad.
I'm really fast at typing on my iPad and on tabs in general.

Favourite school subject?

English  and Bio. Love them.

Biggest fear?

Being suffocated/choked. Or just having my breathing cut off.

What do you like more, Kpop or Indian songs?

Neither, tbh.

Your surname?


What makes you feel alive?

People acknowledging how I feel
Spending time with my cat
Writing and drawing
Spending time with my aunt, uncle and grandma
When I make my friends feel happy

2 best things that happened to you in 2020?

Living through the year without getting C-19 once,
And getting an iPad with procreate.

What is your favourite season?

Winter. It makes me feel calm.

Your dream location?

Toronto, Canada. I plan on moving there for college.

What are your favourite phone apps?


What is your favourite type of book?

Fantasy/sci fi/adventure. Bonus points if it's somehow all three at once lmao.

Name one book that you want to live in.

Percy Jackson.

A dream you want to come real.

I had a dream where I was saving the world with the Umbrella Academy and I desperately want it to come real so bad jsbdjsbksbdk

What is the wildest thing you have ever done in a hotel room?


If you get three words to describe yourself– what are they?

Straightforward, stubborn, awkward.

What's your personal heaven?

Home alone with my cat watching B99 on TV instead of my iPad and reading books.

Can you show your handwriting here?

Sure, but it's nothing special.

Sure, but it's nothing special

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Height and weight?

My height is 5'4-5'5 ish.

Wallpaper of your phone?

Wallpaper of your phone?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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