Jack Donger

15 4 7

Another B99 reference.
Tagged by wouldUbesokind

Tagged by wouldUbesokind

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1) Weird fact about you.
I keep cracking my knuckles. I can't stop. It feels weird to not crack it.

2) Favourite food.
Pizza. Best food.

3) First fandom.

4) Best friends.
I have a few,

And mostly every single person on wattpad. I love you all.

5) Your current Lock Screen.
I...... didn't change my Lock Screen after getting my iPad. It's still the default iPad wallpaper that changes depending on whether or not it's night or day.

6) Favourite OTP.
Solangelo, and Percabeth. Can't choose between the two.

7) Birthday.
21st April.

8) Five fears.

• Being suffocated or choked to death or just having my breathing cut off. I've had dreams where someone's tried choking me, so that's fun.
• Heights.
• Cockroaches.
• People.
• Zombies. They freak me out.

9) What you look like.
Someone you can trust. But also,
A tired panda.
Except less cute.

10) Favourite song.
Medusa by Kailee Morgue.

11) Why you made your account.
World domination.
But also because I was sick and tired of using the website and my old account.

12) Favourite character ever.
Uhh, can't pick. A lot of them, I'd be going on forever.

13) 20 of your favourite accounts.

Do this if you want to, everyone who follows me is my favourite account

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