Hardin's Prologue

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  I'm Hardin Scott, there's nothing really special about me, I can be a real asshole but I'm working on it. I used to be an even bigger asshole, like seriously. I'm from London, I'm 20 and I do okay in school. It's not that I'm stupid I just don't really give a fuck about it. Let me give you some background on my life. I moved out of London after my mum said I had to get my life together, she said I was way too smart to just be partying and getting drunk. I packed my shit and left. She thought I would do better over here,living with strangers and she kept telling me they're not strangers. To me they are my dad and left when I was 2 to live with some lady named Rachel and then they had a girl named Stephanie or whatever. And who I was living with for a while. My dad said that he didn't leave because he didn't love me; it was because he fell in love with Rachel. Which to me is pure bullshit, love is bullshit. So is marriage and no one can fight me on this because if marriage was that important than my dad and mum would still be together but as you can see they're not mean marriage is just a pisces of fucking paper that can be broken whenever someone pleases to. What else can I tell you? Oh I don't date just meaningless hookups nothing more. I love partying and getting drunk. I also enjoy reading but don't tell anyone that or i'll break your nose. And one last thing, I can't stand Tessa Young she's such a know it all. 

Author's note 

hope you guys are excited for me to post chapter 1! I will find time to do it either tomorrow or Saturday. love you guys and I hope you guys liked Hardin's prologue. don't forget to comment and vote!

IG: @/Hessatexting_- for more stories 

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