Chapter 1:A whole new world

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It was a calm sunny day and you were in your room not so calm and sunny as the day as you were currently losing at fortnite like the trash player you are. After a while you got tired of losing so you logged off but not before stating that you were a pro player"k im going to log off now and just so you know it is NOT because im bad at this,i was going easy on you all,im a pro" and all you got as response from your online friends was 'ok','right right...' or 'sureee....' and a few glared at those who dare laugh at you.
Your mom was at work like always and so was your brother today was friday so momishi is at a friend's house for a sleepover which took a lot of convincing from koshi and help from mom to get him to agree.So at the moment you were home alone

*1st person POV*

I went downstairs because i was planing on binge watching bnha....again,i got a bunch of chips and ice cream,not a good combo but we don't judge in this fanfic(author-chan:shhhh not yet)oh ok sorry....anyways something was missing,i decided i would go to cato bell yes cato bell, i got dress in a proper outfit and went out.

it was currently 11:23am and i had just come back from cato bell.i saw the same white rabbit from the other day at the park with momishi,i started fallowing it because something pulled me closer to it,like i needed to fallow it and i wanted to know why

it lead me to an alleyway,stoped and stare at me again and i got that strange feeling from the other day again we stood there staring untill i decide to walk up to it,just as i was about to pick it up the ground started shaking "what's happening?" i said panicked.

A rabbit whole appeared beneath me and i fell through my (e/c) eyes widen,you would expect a normal person to scream right?well no i started laughing"oh wow i'm such an idiot is this alice in the wonderland replay?"after that i closed my eyes and just re-thought my life decision.i surprisingly landed softly when i was sure to be safe i slowly opened my eyes again and when i did i couldn't believe my eyes,i was outside the alleyway for one and i was surrounded by skyscrapers i live in the suburb so i could assume i wasn't home anymore.

the technology here looked advance,i've been to a big city before and even lived there but this was completely different,everything felt so much more modern it made 2021 technology look like a joke not,even iphones or apples could ever.

i came to the conclusion that i was in japan thanks to the writing on the bill boards and perhaps the most shocking scene was the fact some of the people walking down the streets was mutated or were hybrid,i wasn't scare but i was worried i didn't know where i was in japan and and i didn't know how to get back 'i'm in a whole different country what should i do?how did this happen?how will i get back?am i seeing things or does that guy have a chicken head?'.

While walking i saw a crowd of people so i decided to check out what they were so interested in and what i saw surprised me,right in front of me was the blob villain from my hero holding hostage bakugo (e/c) eyes widen and then i noticed something or someone from the corner of my eye,i turned around and saw midoriya izuku,at this point i was beyond shock and had already forgotten the predicament i was in.i was snapped out of my daze by midoriya rushing in after his childhood friend.i didn't realy know what to do i already knew what would happen so i disregarded the events playing out so i decided that i would worried about what my next course of action would be.

First i needed to figure out what my quirk is if i have one,for that i could probably do daily training to see if there's any reaction,then i would need to figure out housing,i could sign up for a high paying job,i could also try finding that rabbit again its probably the reason why i'm here then the option of returning home if i do find it would be open but most likely it won't be easy.

Ill discard that idea for now but then.....'should i enroll in UA?Is there even a reason for me to do so?i mean sure i want to meet class 1-A but i'm not sure if i want to be a hero and i can't just sign up for it without motivation'i thought while i was setting out a plan for life the crowd was already dispersing and currently Midoriya was getting scolded,I didn't know what to do next 'maybe if get myself dadzawa i could solve my first problem but where could he be?'i thought about the idea and decided to trash it for multiple reason.

1.i didn't know where Aizawa was
2.i wasn't sure how to explain myself and knowing Aizawa if was too suspicious i would probably end up in jail and 3. I had to gain his trust first. not only do i not have the time for that but i need an house right now.

In the end i would ask Midoriya for a home his really nice so he would agree and wouldn't ask too many questions.' So my first task is to get Midoriya Izuku to house me'.just as i thought that midoriya was already heading home so i fallowed him.i could just walk right up to him but he still didn't have is second encounter with All Might nor did he speak with Bakugou yet so I silently fallow him and i was surprisingly stealthy,maybe years of sneaking down stairs to get snack at midnight when mom is home really helps.

Then a thought hit me 'mom....' i haven't really have the time to think about my family back at home but now...'how are they doing?are they worried?how do i tell them im ok?when koshi find out i'm missing he'll freak out i don't want him to stress to much,momi-chan might cry all night and mom might actually fall ill worried over me,sorry evryone.'i was so worried but i didn't have time to dwell on it after 40 minutes of fallowing him,All might finally appeared.

I didn't listen too much to the conversation but i had to admit seeing Midoriya cry made my heart melt.after the whole ordeal and Allmight departure,i finally found the courage to walk up to midoriya.

"um...hey"i said from behind him abit nervous,he turned around startle and blushed immensely,i could only presume either because of anime's insane beauty standers or for the fact my gender was female."h-h-hey?"he questioned almost surprised that he was talked to.

"um...this is random and p-probably weird but can....i.....stay over at your place for a few days?" i said the last part becoming inaudible to human ears.He stood there and stare at me for a few second seemingly in a trans and after a while he snapped out of it and looked at me"im sorry i didn't hear that"

I huff embarrassed i had to repeat myself and flushed,apparently midoriya took that as a sign of irritation and started rambling on about how sorry he is"i-i-i'm s-so sorry i d-didn't mean to o-o-offend you o-or seem rude for not liste-ning p-pleas-"not wanting to hear a whole assay of apologizes and waste anymore time i quickly cut him off.

"canistayatyourplaceforawhile atleastuntillifindahome(can i stay at your place for a while at least untill i find a home?)"i said quickly too quickly actually but midoriya being one to mumble incoherent words and a good listener was still able to apprehend what i just spit at him and responded with a"huh.....?........HUH?"looking appsolutely shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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