Prologue:My amaizing big brother

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*1 person POV*

I had just gotten back from hell- i mean school and entered my sweet blessed realm of freedom which was my home,i walked to the living room and my older brother;koshi was on the sofa watching TV,nothing that concerned me enough to acknowledge him,so being the introverted angsty teen that i am tried to sneak past him to avoid social interaction,now i love my brother and there was nothing wrong with talking to him but he was always talking.

His always clingy and very overprotective,since his the oldest and the only men in the family he made it his responsibility to protect all of us no matter what,he got a job to help pay off some of the depth and so mother wouldn't worry so much,he crave attention and can't stand being ignored.he also talks a lot.

He always find something to talk about and is always rambling,its hard to escape his long essays when he start talking and lord,may god bless your soul,you are dead if he ever gets into overprotective big brother mode,he would scold you or tell you how much his been worried for 6 hours strait....i counted and he can and will keep you up all night with his rent over basic safety measures.Mother says he acts a lot like father....

So i think now you can guess why i tried sneaking away hint:tried, nothing can ever go past my brother,nope not even that bag of weed you thought was well hidden in the secret compartment behind the mirror of your bedroom's bathroom :D.

"(n/n)-chan not even an hello for your amaizing big brother?"koshi whine without even tuning around 'seriously how does he do that? I was super quiet too' i though while sweat droping.i chuckled nervously"hi koshi,ill just be heading up stairs to finish this anime i started"i came up with an excuse to avoid getting scolded why?you see as soon as any of us step into the house koshi immediately pounces on us and smothered us with hugs like hanako when ever his around yashiro but today he didn't even look at me that only meant two things,either his depressed and is on emo mode like bokuto or his on overprotective mode which neither are good news.

So when ever that happened i stay cleared from the danger zone as much as possible to avoid getting a lecture."you can watch anime later,i heard that you have an online 'boyfriend'" he said finally turing around looking at me with a dark smile,koshi was actually really scary in this mode.The online 'boyfriend' he was speaking of was just some kid i played with on roblox neither of us were serious about the online dating thing ' how did he even find out?'

"come on it wasn't even serious and i didn't even add him as a friend plus we both know the only guy i would ever online date is kenma" i said trying to convince him to spare me and this time it actually worked.koshi narrowed his eyes at me,grumbling something under his breath and then spoke again"fineeeee,just stick to your anime fictional least i know they won't ever be real" he said whispering the last part but i was still able to hear it(jokes on him (...) is getting a whole anime character harem),with a smile that hide my pain i said"why must you hurt me this way"about to drop fake tears of agony,he panicked and quickly apologized"ah don't cry i'm sorry your amaizing big brother take it back i didn't mean for you to hear that"he whined clingy on to me.

koshi acted a lot like gojo satorau,both were childish and whined an inexplicable amount of time and always are boosting their ego of being the best or awesome but both were really scary when serious and could hold their own in a fight.finaly pealing my brother off me i headed up stairs to my room where i would actually be simping over anime girls instead of doing my homework like a good student.

i was half way up the stairs when i stoped momentarily and ask"is mother home yet?and where is momi-chan?"i asked curiously"mom's not home yet and momishi is at a park not to far playing with her friends"he said calmly i quirked a brow at that"i'm surprised you didn't go with her senpai"i said koshi stoped momentarily and than went feral mumbling abd giggling about how his my senpai and fawning over it,like tanaka and nishinoya,koshi has a senpai kink but not like that,he likes it when his sisters call him that.

it doesn't happen often for me but momishi calls him that all the times,some people thinks he has sister complex but were not in some moe sis-con anime so no he doesn't have sister complex,plus the only reason he likes it is because it make him feel like his a dependable big brother and is doing a good job at protecting his family,it also make him feel like we look up to him which all of those statement are true.

sneaking off into my room i change into more casual clothes and layed on my bed simping over erza's fine ass but than getting distracted by sniper mask hot voice' he could shoot me down anytime and i would thank him,wish i could see his face tho but its fine his voice is enough to get me on my knees, with how everyone that read the manga is hyping him, if i see his face i might combust' i though while already sweating to the sound of his voice but his nothing compared to my waifu rem.

i was on my knees and praying to get a best girl like rem in my life when koshi called me and told me to pick up momishi,i agree and quickly went downstairs of course not without my annoying brother doing the most again"don't forget,don't talk to stranger" "i know i'm not 5" "if someone ask you out tell them your serial killer" "or tell them i already have a boyfriend" "did you bring your paper spray?" "i don't need that i'm just going to the park down the street,i doubt anyone would have the guts to harass me in a public place in plain daylight ill be fine" i said getting a little annoyed over the constant nagging"ok just...don't go into alleyways and stay clear of drunks"he said slowly.

"honestly theres no need to-"koshi cut me off adding one more thing"and look both ways before crossing the road!"i let out an exasperated sigh and looked at him with a deadpan"i don't even need to cross the road to get there plus what do you take me for?a dumbass?" i said irritated "yes" koshi said almost immediately"😀" "🥰" koshi gave me a sweet smile as if he was mocking my demise "just about Mcfucking had it🤡 "i said about to strangle a bicth"language" koshi gasped.

Finally beeing able to convince koshi i was fine i rush to pick up momi-chan and now we were currently making our way back not before getting ice cream of course."look (n/n)-chan a rabbit like in alice in wandurlind"momishi said mispronouncing wonderland and jumping up and down,i smiled and nodded my head then look at where she pointed to find the white rabbit,it just stood there a few feet across from us staring at me,at least it felt as thought it was staring at me,it felt as thought it was look through my soul.

staring at it gave me chills and it was kinda creepy how fixated on me it was but for some reason i couldn't look away,like i was in a trance"do you think we'll go to windorlin if we fallow it"she said with a big smile,finally snapping out of it and looking back at momishi i responded with "umm......well maybe... after dinner lets try going to wonderland! ok momi-chan?"she beamed up at me and i was blinded by her smile"okay!" she said skipping away i looked back to find the rabbit gone,i blinked once in confusion but ingnored it and headed home,i had to hurry and make dinner,i make dinner when mother wouldn't be able to and i did the chores when she wasn't around even thougt the 3 of us take turns.i quickly caught up to momishi and we rushed home.

Momishi wasn't the patient type and she's a monster when hungry.

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