Chapter 19:Klaus Family

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I wonder when we going to be reach our  new home, I wonder what Klaus family will be like and how piss off they are going to be since Klaus had them all dagger, I know I would be mad at him for dagger  me, I wonder what they did to make him dagger them in the first place, I would have to ask them when they wake up or when they get to know me better.

" Ashley we are home," ya ya I'm glad that I can get out of that car, my legs are asleep," yes let get into the house and I will show you our rooms," OK that  sound good."

We got into the house and you could easily fit my old house into this house and still have room to move around. We got to our bedroom and it was huge, he had a big bed, the blankets was navy blue, the color of the room was sky blue and there even a connected bathroom.

"Ashley how do you like our room," I love it," that good,"yes, I have a question for you," OK go ahead and ask," OK how my sister and brother do you have," I have two sister and three brother," what are their"s name," my sibling name are,"

Kol, Elliot,Elijah, Emily, Elizabeth

"OK when are we going to undagger your family," later, I want to get you something to eat and get some blood bags for all of us, Ashley how long have it been since you drink blood," why," why because you like tired and you just trip over the chair and I watch you to know you aren't clumsy," OK it been two weeks since I have feed," why did you wait so long," I don't know," we need to get some blood into you," OK."(PS: even if didn't want to drink blood, he would make me)

we walk to the the kitchen when I felt really tired and it felt like I couldn't stand, and I just pass out from not having blood, when I went down I heard Klaus calling my name.

I woke up noticed that his family was undagger and watching me.

"Ashley are you all right," I am fine," OK here drink this," thank you Kol," you welcome Ashley." Ashley are you OK," I'm fine Klaus," that good, did you give her that blood bag to drink Kol," yes brother which remind all of us it time for our revenge on you for daggers us," why did he you guys dagger for," I was dagger before I could come to your party, Kol said," We were dagger after going against Klaus for Stefan and Damon, Emily and Elizabeth said" we were dagger after we yell at him for dragging our sister," that wasn't nice Klaus," well they will get over it," fine You can sleep on the couch down here, have fun with you revenge," we will," I am sorry Ashley don't leave me," get over it Klaus."

I went into our room and got a shower and change into pj's and went and lock the door so Klaus couldn't get in, I could hear them stabbing Klaus for what he did, but he ask for it, I went to sleep not minding what they were doing.

" Ashley open up this door," I don't think so," open it now or I am going to break this door door down," ya good luck with that, it steel so good luck mate on breaking it down," fine don't say I didn't warn you."

Let me know how you like the book and if you want me to keep on writing or not, I will update when I can have a good weekend





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