A/N this chap is really short, sorry I'm not with my copy of GOF so I can't do much. 

The next day, I stay in bed and pretend to sleep once I wake up. I told myself I'd get up when the last of my schools lot did so I could blend with them when I woke. That plan didn't go through, for Madam shook me awake 30 minutes after she got out of her own cot.

"Zeep up my Dreez, pleaz, Emereen," I open my eyes to see her face, looking impatient. I rise from my bed quickly, and she turns around. I stand on my tippy toes to zip up her casual dress, and make to go back to sleep, but madam stops me. "You weel meez breaky-feeszt," She gestures to the clock. It reads 7:00 a.m. I internally groan. "You are to geet uz seetz at blue table. Understand?" 

I nod my head and make to get dressed as she walks back to the bathroom.

20 minutes later, I'm ducking under shadows on my way to the buffet. Two boys, who I recognized as Ron's brothers- twins, but I had no idea what there names were, had just walked straight through the age line, and from the whispers of the crowd, I figure out that they just took an age potion, for they were too young to enter. Foolish boys. My thoughts ring true, for mere seconds later, I hear a whooshing and then an oomph. I don't stop walking, but roll my eyes. The crowd erupts into laughter so loud, Im able to snigger and not even hear it myself. Eventually, I make it to the blue table- the Ravenclaw table, I knew from overhearing the gossip of my lot last night. I also found out the red house, Harry's and Siri- dads house, is called gryffindor. The green one that the Durmstrang kids sit at is Slytherin, and the yellow is Hufflepuff.

After that, I read in my cot all day, skipping lunch. Best Halloween I could imagine.

It was 45 after 5 when we all left, heading for the feast. I stayed in Madam's shadow, jogging to keep up with her long strides. It genuinely surprises me when a staff member, who was the size of Madam, crazily, walked out of a hut half a football field away, and stood next to madam. He reeked of way too much expensive cologne, and his puffy hair, facial and head, had been gelled thickly, but only on the top layer. He was a complete mess, but I tried not to judge him. He looked nice, smiling and all. People poured into the hall, from all schools. I accidentally catch Hermione's eye from far away. She gives me a pitiful smile before getting whisked away by the crowd. The whole meal, all the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and a couple older Hogwarts students are nervous recks, waiting to see if they are chosen. Most of the younger students seemed excited, glancing at Dumbledore to see if he was still eating. Finally, after what felt like ages of waiting, all the plates cleared and Dumbledore stood up to speak. "Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision. I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the hall, walk along the staff table, and go thorough into the next chamber," he nods to the door I hardly ever noticed behind the staff table "where they will be receiving there first instructions." Dumbledore takes out his wand and swishes it in one great movement so that all the candles go out - all except the ones buried in pumpkins. The hall was silent as the flames showed brighter than ever. Kids kept looking at their wrist watches, and finally the flames danced into redness. Seconds later, a single flame shoots out of the goblet, the action purely magical, leaving behind a crispy piece of parchment. The crowd gasps and my stomach lurches as Dumbledore grabs the parchment and the flames go back to blue.

"The champion for Durmstrang," Dumbledore announces, his voice louder than I thought it could ever get, "Will be Viktor Krum."

Why am I not surprised, I ask myself as cheering booms through the room, and Krum heads into the chamber. "The champion for Beauxbaton," This time I feel like I'll be sick. I don't think anyone from my school is worthy of this title. "Is Fleur Delacour!"

Of course pretty veela girl got chosen. I mean, shes not mean or anything, but she always striked me as a little stuck-up, even for Beauxbaton.

That thought disappears as the next piece of parchment floats to the headmaster of Hogwarts. "The Hogwarts champion," He yelled, "Is Cedric Diggory!"

A cheering erupts so loudly I have to cover my ears to keep from wincing as a glorious male, even on my standards, stands and walks from the Hufflepuff table, where the crowding was loudest, and disappeared through the chamber. It took a very long time to quiet the room, and when Dumbledore was able to make himself heard again, he called, "Excellent! Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real —" 

He stopped speaking as the flames once again turned red. Oh no! Is my only thought as Dumbledore catches the parchment and reads something I don't expect, not a bit "Harry Potter!"

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