Of course. Always the famous Harry Potter. He said he didn't do it this morning, as he passed through the great hall while I ate. I don't think he did, for he seems too dumb. It was Hermione, and she didn't help Ronald so he's very mad. I've decided I don't like Ronald much, but the other two are fine. Honestly, so what if there liars? So what if Harry may have a psychotic death wish, or is just really in need of attention? There the first people to ignologue me kindly other then Remus or Si- my father in a very long time. I needed to write to Siri- dad, and Remus though, I think as I make my way to the carriage. As soon as I get there, I start to compose my letters, not being completely truthful, or very nice, to my father:


The champions are Vicktor Krum (you know him), Fleur Delacour (shes fine), Cedric Diggory (hufflepuff) and Harry Potter. Hogwarts is nice.

Its then when Madam Maxime, who had just bursted through the doors, interrupts me, by saying something very, very frustrating. "You vill ve doing ze lessons with ze kids your age here for ze reest of ze time ve are at Hogy-warts, so that you vill not get vehind" I just gape at her. "You vill ve starting thurz-day."

I focus on taking deep breathes for a few minutes, and then go back to writing my letter, pretending that nothing had happened, even as I add I write about the subject:


The champions are Vicktor Krum (you know him), Fleur Delacour (shes fine), Cedric Diggory (hufflepuff) and Harry Potter. Hogwarts is nice. Madam has just told me that I will be doing lessons with the hogwarts students, starting Thursday. I think I will ask to do them with Gryffindor. Sending love,



Hi, Remus. The champions are Vicktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory (hufflepuff) and Harry Potter. I was just told that I will be doing lessons with the Hogwarts kids. I am hoping I can do it with the Gryffindors, for Hermione and Harry seem nice. To be honest, I'm not so sure about Ron. And I do not think Harry put his name in. Hermione did for him. So what? I miss you so, so, so much.

Love you,


When lessons started, I was sure of one thing: all the Hufflepuffs were mad Harry for 'stealing there glory'. I figured this out immediately, for the first class of the day for gryffindors, who I had managed to get in with, was with the hufflepuffs and there head of house. Mrs. Sprout started by introducing me, in front of the class, which was humiliating. People broke out in whispers as she said my name false name, in which was better than my real, and I was very happy she had decided to use it. Emeryn Lupin. The daughter of there DADA professor last year. 

"We will be repotting bouncing bulbs," Sprout told us. Easy. We had already done this at Beauxbaton, good thing, because Herbology was the only class I wasn't top of. Unfortunately, Sprout got to pick our partners. I with was a dark haired Gryffindor boy with big front teeth. I recognized his last name, Longbottom, immediately. His parents were in the order of the phoenix, a group against Voldermort. They were tortured to insanity by my second cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, though. Still in rehab. My other partner was a tall blonde Hufflepuff boy with the last name Smith, who looked very angry. We started working in silence. I kept looking over at Harry, who was getting ignored by his partners. Oh well. My thoughts drift off, and before I know it I've dropped a bulb and its hand was about to make contact with my face - oww! The noise that was made as a sharp sting met my cheek was something out of movie sound effects, and a few people looked up. I prepared for them to snicker, and laugh, especially as I lunged for the stupid bulb, missing. Nobody did, though. I got back up, ready to wrestle that stupid bouncing plant, but when I look for it, its in Longbottoms' hands. I can't help blushing as he hands it back to me, and all of a sudden I have manners that weren't there before. 

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