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Three days after the wedding the earth gang except ying and fang went back to tapops station to their usual job.They were gathered at the control room for kokochi has been called them.

"What could be our mission commander? Boboiboy ask." Your mission is to deliver this laundry at planet Ceres "kokochi said while handing them a sack of clean laundry.

"Is this own by a member of tapops?" yaya ask."No it's just a normal alien.Go now"kokochi said then the three of them saluted."Ahh I'm hungry,let's go at the cafeteria first"gopal said then the two just nod.They walk over the cafeteria and ordered their breakfast and seated at the empty table.They were a silence between them then gopal break it.

"Hey guys, are excited about the mission?"gopal ask." Not much"yaya replied then boboiboy then look at her."Why?"he ask."Were not complete, ying and fang are not here"yaya sadly said then boboiboy and gopal quite for a second."We have to accept it yaya,it's part of life someone will come ad someone will leave,and besides ying promise that they would be back right?"boboiboy said then yaya just nod.

"Don't be sad,I'm missing them too but we have to look forward" boboiboy said then yaya simply smile.After they done eating they went to the hanger and captain papa drive them through there.As they arrive there,there eyes widen looking at the spooky place.

"Ehh,this place is scary" gopal said while holding boboiboy's hand."Don't touch me gopal,what if someone will attack us"boboiboy said while bringing the sack."Who could've leave in here"yaya said.They both walk over when they heard some noise at the bushes."Ehh boboiboy,what was that"gopal said while shivering at the corner."I'll just check it"boboiboy said then he slowley walk to the bushes."Becarefull boboiboy"yaya said then boboiboy just nod.As he look at the bushes,there was no one in there so he walk back to his friends.

"There's no one in there" boboiboy said."Ehh,bo-boi-boy"gopal slowley whispered."What is it gopal?"Boboiboy ask.Gopal make some signs while pointing at his back and boboiboy seems don't understand it."Gopal what is happening to you?"yaya walk near Gopal then her eyes widen looking at boboiboy's back."Are you okay yaya?"boboiboy ask but yaya just shake her head."Boboiboy behind you"yaya said then boboiboy look at his back then his eyes widen what he saw.

"A human boarrrrr" gopal shouted then he collapse.

"May I know what are you doing here?a man with a boar mask ask with an evil voice while both of his hand were occupied with swords

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"May I know what are you doing here?a man with a boar mask ask with an evil voice while both of his hand were occupied with swords ."Where just here to deliver some laundry"yaya said while hiding her fear."Ohh is that so, give it to me then its mine"the human boar evil voice was gone and turn into happy one then yaya handed him the laundry.

"May I know what's your name?"boboiboy ask." Ohh I'm inosuke"the man said while handing his hand."Hi inosuske I'm boboiboy,this is yaya and gopal"boboiboy introduced."Nice to meet all of you.Can you help me to find someone?"inosuke ask."Sure what its trait then?"Yaya ask back."Ohh its my friend,he has a yellow hair and ~"inosuke was cutt off when they heard a loud scream.

"Hiyahhhhhhbhhhhhhh,inosukeeeeee,help meeeee" they saw a boy with a yellow hair running through their directions in a intense speed

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"Hiyahhhhhhbhhhhhhh,inosukeeeeee,help meeeee" they saw a boy with a yellow hair running through their directions in a intense speed.

"Oii zenitsu,where have you been huh?"inosuke ask the boy who is known as zenitsu."I was just searching some foods then I encountered some demons "zenitsu said while crying.

" Excuse me did you just said demons?"yaya ask then zenitsu look at her."Yeah,please help us"zenitsu said while kneeling down on her."Yeah we would help you"boboiboy said then zenitsu cry face turns into happy one.



They heard a loud foot steps then the earth gang just gulp looking at it."Its so huge "boboiboy said looking at the demon." Ahhhh were done for"gopal and zenitsu said while hugging. "It has some weakness,you jus have to cut its neck" inosuke said then he attack first.

"Stay here yaya,boboiboy halilintar" boboiboy said then transform into his halilintar then he dashed towards the demon.Inosuske was slicing it hands while Boboiboy where aiming for his neck.As he arrive there he quickly slash his swords towards in neck and it falls on the ground.Yaya just look away to avoid seing an intense dead.

"Wow your power is cool" inosuke compliment then boboiboy just smiled."Hey we could bring you st tapops if you want"yaya said then inosuke and zenitsu just nod.They walk back to the spaceship then captain papa drive them back there.

I'm sure you know those two I just added them cause I'll like there characters.They both of them are from demon slayer.

FANG AND YING'S LIFE AFTER MARRIAGE||BOOK2||Where stories live. Discover now