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Your Point of View.

February 25th, 2030. Age 24

"Hey, hun. Could I have the usual?" the kind older woman came shuffling in, settling down her purse. "Sure Louisa! Just have a seat and I'll have it ready in a few minutes." I smile. I throw my apron on, grabbing a mug, Louisa. She loves her tea, she says we are the only cafe that owns her favorite cup of tea. "How are your grandchildren?" I asked, striking up small talk

"Oh, you know how kids are these days, always on their electronics", She smiled. I chuckled "Ah, yes. Youth." I sigh. I walk over, placing the peppermint tea "Thank you, Y/n"


Another customer. I run behind the register "Good Morning, What will your order be today?" I do a closed eye smile. "Just a black coffee, no sugar." A rather deep and rough voice spoke. I open my eyes, a taller man, with black shoulder-length hair and circles around his eyes. He looked exhausted. "Right away" I respond. The older man made his way to a table nearby the counter. He had a laptop in hand, I'm guessing he's working...

I brew up his coffee, which took longer than expected. The coffee was dumped all over my apron slightly burning my skin, due to a clumsy barista bumping into me, dumping the coffee all over me. "I-IM SO SORRY BOSS! I DIDN'T SEE YOU THERE!" She shouted, followed by many bows. I shake it off "I told you to call me Y/n! and it's fine, I'm sure he can wait" I take a glance at him. He nodded

"See? He could wait for a new one, take it easy there Zelda." I pat her head. She pouted and walked on behind. I brew up another cup, I walk to the man "I'm sorry sir, you see we have the new employer who is still new around-"

"It's fine. She's a kid so it's to be expected" he waved it off. Hmm, usually customers would push me to hurry up and make their coffee. cool. I walk back behind the counter grabbing the ready black coffee, finally handing it to him. "Thank you"

I smile.

Time skip

"Boss, you've been here long enough, you should head out now! I could close up" Michael smiled. "Are you sure? I could just close-" "No. I said it's fine, you worked all day" He started to push me out the door, grabbing my apron. "Alright...Thank you" I smile and wave before walking off. I guess I should hurry home...

This part of the city is known for its nighttime crime. Which is the main reason I became a Vigilante. My quirk is Crystal, I can manipulate the ground to create Crystal in various forms. However the bigger the Crystal the more tired I become. I run home, getting in and quickly grabbing my cloak. I'm not a registered hero, nor am I going to be one, however doing something good for once or for a short time does feel good.

The cloak is black, for obvious reasons. Under the cloak were just some regular clothes, a sweater, and jeans, and maybe a knife for when my quirk drains quickly. I pull over my mask over my nose and head out

"Alright, time to look for some criminals" Ironic, for me to say. The police look at Vigilantes as criminals also, but they obviously don't know the real reason people become Vigilantes. I run out the door, locking it then run up the stairs

Then, the rooftop. I jump to more roofs looking down below, observing anything suspicious. A couple walking, cat, raccoon, a man, a woman. Nothing too bad tonight hopefully.

"-Raaah!! Help me!"

I freeze. I run over to the cry, a women pinned to the wall. "Tch some men are really sick for this.." I jump down quietly "Somebody! Please, help!" She screamed. I activate my quirk, stabbing the man in the leg

"Arghhh! Who the fu-"

I punch him on his side then his face, making him collapse to the ground. "Don't ever lay a finger on another woman again" I growl in a low voice. "You bitch! Who do you think you are?! Huh!" He shouted. I roll my eyes and step on his injured leg

"I avoided anything serious, so you should be fine. But if I ever see you again, I swear I won't be as nice anymore" I smile. He gasped, crawling away. "Are you alright miss?" I turn to the woman. She nodded "Good, leave. You should hurry home, Oh, and call the police too" I suggest

She nodded and ran "Goodbye" I wave. I jump from wall to wall making my way back to the rooftop. I sigh "Man, men can be so worthless" I grumble

"I hope that doesn't mean me."

"Hm?" I quickly turn around. A person, they were on the other building, watching. "Who are you?" I question. "I should be asking you that" they slowly made their way to the edge

"Fake/Name." I can hear their smirk from here. But second, how the hell do they know me? "How do you know my name" I narrow my eyes. I start to prepare for battle. "There's no need to be hostile, I'm just here for questions" they reassured.

"I've seen what you done to that man, pretty good work. For a Rookie."

"I'm not a rookie" I quickly talked back. Who is this? Their voice does sound familiar, but who?  "I'm just your local citizen. Helping another, you see, nothing wrong" I bow, introducing myself.

"You're pretty good with your quirk, self-taught?" They asked. "I suppose" I shrug

"Hm. I guess I'll see for your combat skills"

"What's that?" Then, they made their move. They started running at me before jumping, making something to try to capture me. "Wha-"
Then a sharp pain entered my leg. "Argh!" I shout out

"You're slow." They made their way to me. They grabbed me by the coller, pulling me up to their face. EraserHead.

"Heh, Nice to finally meet you EraserHead" I smile. He hummed. "What's a local Cafe owner doing vigilante work?"

"None of your business. Besides, I do the work what hero's can't see" I smirk. "What hero's can't see?" He mumbled.

"Now what's a hero like you want to do with me?" I ask. "As I said, questions. As well as apprehending you"

What. No. I cannot let that happen. I still have other missions to complete "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I won't let that happen" I glare

"You see, Mr.EraserHead. I still have business to run" I sigh. "What do you know about 'Above'" I froze. Above, I thought she was dead. Could she still be alive? After all this time? "So you do know"

"And what if I do?" I smile. "I'll make you talk." "I thought you were handing me to the police"

"Later. I'll need you for this case" He tied up my hands and legs "I don't think this seems appropriate" I slightly tease

"Shut up. I'm just bringing you to my place" He glared "Whoa! Didn't know we were going that fast! What do you have in mind?" I smirk

"Shut it. It's just a precaution."

End of chapter 1 story...

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