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The five new kids crushed the competition. They were wildly athletic, fast, agile and had higher stamina than most demigods, that was saying a lot. I shared a glance with Annabeth, possible demigods? Or monsters in disguise? The problem was figuring out who their godly parent was, the dark haired ones could be my brother and sister, they had the sea green, thought more like teal, eyes and very dark hair. Though, unlike me, were very pale. The blondes could easily be children of Athena, or Aphrodite, they had the blonde hair of Athena kids but the eyes (and looks) of Aphrodite kids. Strawberry blonde kid could definitely be a child of Hephaestus, he kept pulling out wire and other trinkets and building stuff in his spare time, that was how quickly they finished their activities. Blondie the second (the dude) could also be a child of Hermes? I shook my head and took a sip of my water putting the thoughts away and let my genius girlfriend find the answers.

Finally it was time for endurance training, I had seen both blondies conquer it, though the dude got to the top first the girl pulled off some graceful, complicated, acrobatic move and won by five feet, literally. I myself had a good time on endurance but no where near as fast as the dude or as graceful and the girl. It was scary how flexible and at ease they were with tasks normal people would find impossible. But- me and Annabeth were far from normal.

P.E. was long over and now Annabeth was dragging me along to our usual table. After a long hour and forty five minutes of discussion we were headed to English, by far the worst class, especially because I was a dyslexic and ADHD demigod. At least this was last period and we could go home, needless to explain more- I spaced out for the entire class. Very on character for me.

||Sorry- I tried to expand the chapter a bit more. As you can tell this is going under MAJOR editing. I hope it's at least a BIT better than before! I'll make the chapters longer in future. Love you all!||

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