I watched her vulnerable form lying on the bed a gentle breeze rustled the covers it was spring and the window was open the high beamed room illuminated in the soft moonlight fell onto her hair I tiptoed foward onto the floorboards my leather shoes making no sound, my body filled with rage as I thought about him how he was not worthy the voices on the night air seemed far away now the travelling minstrels heading away. I crept foward and picked up the silky pillow and then I softly slowly placed it over her head she writhed for a few seconds like a leaf in a gale and then all was still and silent the only sounds now was the wind pushing through the windows like it had figured out I had just taken a life. My heart beat faster now as I knew I couldn't afford to get caught hanging till I swung awaited me should I get caught, I took no pleasure in what I had just done but he may never have her I thought to myself as tears of guilt dripped out of my eyes. I vowed I would move on and not get caught i Had to for everyones sake no-one will ever know it's me I thought as I tiptoed out of the room gently shutting the door behind me I went back to my room and slept fitfully.