Captivated Love

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"I fucking hate you, Hawkins! You're such a sell-out and you're a creep on top of that! I hope you rot in hell, you bastard!" As I sat bound with sea stone gauntlets to keep my powers suppressed Hawkins sat across from me without a care in the world. "Enough (Y/n) you should show me some gratitude. You would have ended up in the same predicament as your brother if I hadn't taken you under my wing. Now eat your dinner we have a guest arriving within the hour"

"A guest... who in the hell would be visiting you and for what reason?" He never gave me an answer but just like the man said thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Mind your tongue in front of our guest (Y/n)" I would have made a snarky comment towards the man though I was a little curious to see who was joining us in Hawkins' hell house. "Good evening Hawkins. My sister said I should bring flowers... Is that her?"

"Yes, this is Eustass (Y/n). Please excuse the lack of manners she takes after her brother I'm afraid. (Y/n) this is Page One and you're going to go live with him" Thank God I didn't have a drink in my mouth since it would have ended up halfway across the room. "Wha-What the hell are you talking about Hawkins!? You can't just fucking pawn me off to someone else! Who is this weirdo anyway!? He doesn't even have a real name!"

"He's one of Tobiroppo (Y/n) and if you were smart you won't make him angry" I'm just going to ignore Hawkins' comment but that doesn't mean I'm going to forget about it. "You... Page-boy or whatever the hell your name is. Why are you here?" The man didn't look too upset about my insult though his eyes did slightly narrow as he took a step closer. "These flowers are for you. We should get going (Y/n) it's already past six. Hawkins where are the keys to her cuffs?"

"Not to show any disrespect Page One but you're not thinking about taking those gauntlets off of her, are you?" As the keys were taking out of Hawkins' pocket I watched as it ended up in Page-boy's hand. "Relax Hawkins. It's not like she's going to get very far even if she does run away from me" When the man took my right wrist in his hand, I flinched slightly but he only unlocked the cuffs before he turned away. "Let's go (Y/n)"


Three Weeks Later...

"I fucking hate you Page One! Stop touching my hair!" When the man's tails wrapped tighter around my stomach I was forced to remain still as the jackass continued to run his hands throughout my hair. "You're far too tense (Y/n). How about I rub your shoulder for you?" I was growing sick and tired of this bitch not listening to me but he was stronger than me so there was little I could do about it. "Hm, can you get me a snack Page-boy? No one brought me any breakfast this morning" 

"You weren't fed (Y/n)? Wait here my pet and I'll be right back~" When I get my hands around that bastard Hawkins' neck I was going to kill him for doing this to me. Though I'm sure Kidd is going to want a piece of him as well so maybe I'd shared. "Escape time~ Hehehe. That damn stupid Page-boy isn't going to keep me here forever" As I took one last look behind me, I climbed out of the window before I dropped into the soft bushes below. "Freedom has never tasted so sweet~"


Page One's Pov

"Alright (Y/n) I have your fav- Not again! Where did my little pet run off to this time?" As I headed for the front door I grabbed (Y/n)'s coat before I started tracking her scent. "Where are you going little brother, did (Y/n) run away from you again? Hahaha. I told you she doesn't like it when you crowd her! Do you need help locating her?" (Y/n) couldn't have gotten far and I didn't need my sister to help with finding her. "No, I'll find her myself. (Y/n)'s not that fast and she always goes to the same spot. I'll be back later" 

"Hahaha. Good luck little brother though just remember you'll never have a chance with her if you traumatize the poor thing" I didn't reply to my sister as I started towards where I'd find my little pet. She always went to the same spot on the island and more often than not she'd be causing a fight that I have to break up. "(Y/n) come out, come out where you are~"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"Yummy~ I love cotton candy. Hmm, too bad Page-boy is bound to make his appearance soon... Oh, what's Drake doing here?" As I continued to watch the ginger, I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of fashion. "It should be a crime to wear that much leather. No wonder Drake can't find a girlfriend. Hehehe" When the man in question turned his head, I almost fell off of the barrel I was sitting on but thankfully I managed to catch myself. "Oh, shit he's coming over here. Fuck"

"Care to repeat that (Y/n)? You might be Page One's pet but I-" Before the man could continue making his threat someone interrupted him as a clawed hand gripped my shoulder. "Don't touch her Drake she's mine... (Y/n) I told you to stay put" I really was hoping to have a few more hours away from him but at least he saved me from Mr. Leatherpants over there. "Whatever Page One though maybe you should be teaching her some manners. She's just like her brother"

"Fuck you, Drake! Don't talk about my br-hmmm" When Page One's hand found its way over my mouth I could only flip Drake off once before that hand was grabbed and since the other was holding my cotton candy I could only glare at him. "Let's go home (Y/n)"


30 Minutes Later...

I was back in my own personal hell as Page One was partaking in his favorite hobby. Though I wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face right now. "I told you not to touch my hair Page One! It's fucking rude and you keep pulling at it!" His obsession with my hair was odd to stay the least though the more I told him to stop the more he would play with it. "It won't hurt so much (Y/n) if you'd just brush your hair like a normal girl... Did you know the Straw-hat crew have arrived on the island?"

"The Straw-hats, why are they here?... Wait a second stop detracting me! Get your fucking hand out of my hair before I decide to cut it off in your sleep!" When the man's hand removed itself from my hair, I was a little surprised but tried not to think much about it as I sat in his lap. "Their Captain is in the prison and the remaining crew members are spread out across the island. I'm going to have to leave for a little while to assist the others but you'll be here waiting, won't you (Y/n)?"

"Why the hell would I stay with someone like you Page-boy?" I turned around in his lap in order to see his eyes but when I saw the slightest blush on his cheeks I paused. "Because I love you (Y/n)... How about I bring you with me? You'll need to behave yourself but it'll be fun" Hm, that was an interesting offer though I didn't share the same feeling for this guy... right? "Sure, I'll go with you but don't think it's because I like you or anything! I'm going to hunt down Hawkins so I can kick his ass!"  

"Awe, you're blushing (Y/n)~ Come on I'll even help you pack"



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