Page One x Abused!Reader {The Protector}

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Page One's Pov

As I walked the hallways of the palace, I was looking for my partner but so far, I haven't been able to locate her. "(Y/n) where are you?... Where could she be? I told her to wait for me in the library" Normally the girl always listened to me though today she wasn't where I instructed her to wait. It was unlike the girl but hopefully, she just wandered off because she was hungry or missed me. "(Y/n) where are you? We're going to return home now!"

"Ahhhhhhhh! Don't touch me!" When my sensitive ears picked up on the girl's distinctive screams, I immediately knew something was wrong with my (Y/n). Her voice sounded absolutely terrified and I knew whoever was hurting her wouldn't be living much longer so without a moment of hesitation I went to find her. "Page One, I need you! Ahhhhhhh!" I was supposed to be her protector but I left the girl alone and now she was suffering because of my mistake.

When I finally tracked down where my (Y/n)'s screams were coming I kicked down the door before I took in the scene in front of me though when I saw the bruises on my partner's face my heart sank. "You're hurting my (Y/n)... Get off of her right now!!" As the man loosened his grip on my partner, she was able to pull away and ran into my arms while a few others began to arrive. "Page One! You said it was safe here! It w-w-was not safe! It was n-n-not s-s-safe!"

"Shhhh~ Come on (Y/n) we're leaving... Sister make sure that bastard gets what he deserves!" Even though I wanted nothing more than to rip the girl's attacker to shreds I knew she needed me right now. "You got it, little brother"


45 Minutes Later...

(Y/n) was an emotional wreck at the moment and nothing I was doing seemed to be helping her. "Page One why does everyone want to hurt me!? Did I do something wrong!?" My little (Y/n) was so broken though I thought we had gotten to a point where she could handle being around others but now that bastard set us back twelve steps. "I don't want to hurt you (Y/n) and neither does my sister, or Hawkins, or even Drake. You didn't do anything wrong, my dear, some people are just monsters who prey on the weak. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you (Y/n)"

"I-It wasn't your fault Page One! I should have stayed i-in that room like you told m-me to!" If my girl continued to scream and cry like this, she was going to pass out but when (Y/n) was in this kind of mood she didn't listen to reason. "Don't worry about it (Y/n). We'll be home in a few minutes and I'll remain by your side for the rest of the day. No one will ever bring you harm when you're with me. That I promise you. I love you (Y/n)"

"I-I love you to Page One!" As the girl cuddled against my chest, I wrapped my tail around her belly while my hands rubbed circles along her back. "D-Don't you have important stuff to take care of?" She was slowly calming down but her voice still shook when she tried to speak. 

"You're the only thing that matters to me at the moment (Y/n). I'll protect you with my last dying breath. Get some sleep my little (Y/n) I'll make sure you're safe" When I didn't get a reply from (Y/n) my eyes shifted down as they rested on the already asleep form. "I love you (Y/n). It doesn't matter to me if you're completely shattered or not, we'll find your missing pieces together... We just need a little time"



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