Yandere!Page One x Reader {You Can't Leave Me}

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"(Y/n)!? Where are you!?" Hm, he's home early it's not even two o'clock yet. As my eyes returned to the book in front of me, I heard his footsteps coming down the hallway though I didn't care enough to inform him about my location. "There you are (Y/n)! Didn't you hear me calling for you?" I knew not speaking to the man would only cause him to grow frustrated though it was his own fault that I didn't wish to speak to him. "(Y/n) you can't just remain silent forever. Please I need to hear that soothing voice just once then I'll leave you alone"

I didn't owe this man a single thing and until he learned to behave like a decent human being, I wasn't going to speak to him. "(Y-Y/n) where are you going? I finished my mission early just so I could spend time with you. Aren't you at least going to greet me?" Page One wasn't worth my time and he certainly wasn't worth the air it would require to speak to him. Maybe things would have been different between us but after what he did things were never going to work between us.

"I-I'll see you at dinner (Y/n) and we can have your favourit..." His voice trailed off as I exited the room but he brought this upon himself and he wasn't going to have to deal with the consequences of his actions. "He's nothing but a monster... How could he do that to innocent people? Sniff" My arms started to wrap around myself as a sudden chill caused goosebumps to form along my covered skin.

The longer I stayed in this house the more depressed I became though Page One wasn't foolish enough to allow me to leave him but maybe... It was a stupid plan and one with a low success rate though I was running out of options. "Page One!"

As the man runs towards me, I wanted nothing more than to run in the opposite direction but unfortunately, that wasn't an option. "D-Do you need something (Y/n)!? I'll do anything to make you happy!" Page One might have been incredibly strong though he's never physically harmed me but that didn't mean he wasn't being emotionally abusive. 

He killed everyone around me in order to 'protect me' and that included my family. This man was a monster all the way to the core but if I tried to tell him what he was doing was wrong it was like Page One never heard me. I couldn't take much more of being around him at this rate though it helped when the man was away from the house on missions.

"Are you okay (Y/n)? You're staring right through me again" When Page One's hand touched my shoulder, I practically jumped out of my skin but thankfully he removed it before I could freak out anymore. At times his touch felt like acid though Page One never held on to me for long since he knew how much it bothered me. "Can we go to the festival together?"

"You want to go to the festival?... I don't kn- Please don't give me that loo- If I take you to the festival will you smile for me?" As I nodded my head a fake smile graced my lips as Page One started to blush though I didn't care for his reactions. "A-Alright we'll go tomorrow night but you need to wear the outfit I select for you"

"That's fine with me... I'm going to bed early since I couldn't sleep last night so I need my rest. Goodnight" Sleep was always difficult for me though having a monster sleeping in the same room didn't help with the problem and Page One refused to let me have my own room. "Goodnight (Y/n) I love you!" That was a laughable statement from the man since I still didn't believe he loved me. I mean how could you love someone but do such terrible things to them?

It was a question I still couldn't answer though I'm not sure if there was even any answer that would satisfy me at this point. 


The Next Night...

"Are you ready to go (Y/n)? I'm going to tie the fabric around your wrist so you don't get lost. I would hold your hand but I know how you get when people touch you" Oh, I didn't think the monster would be this reasonable. "Yes, I'm ready to go. How long can we stay at the festival?" I had to play nice with this jerk but I wasn't happy about it.

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