(Watermelon) Creepy Skull Guy

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So, in episode 91 (or around about there), while Uri was going down Intaba Mountain, she met this laibah.

He wore a skull over his face, and his cloak covered most of his body. (I'm just assuming it's male but it could possibly be a female).

 (I'm just assuming it's male but it could possibly be a female)

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Now, in episode 29, in Verona's flashback, we see her 'kill' a laibah child. But what if she didn't really kill them?

Creepy skull guy is wearing a wolf skull, similar to those the wolf king kept on his throne. His tail is shaped like a wolf's - if you compare it to Verona's, they look virtually the same. However, his ears are pointed upwards. Again if you compare with Verona, her ears are near where a human's ear would be, much like Doran, because a wolf is in the dog family. But the laibah's parent in episode 29 didn't have wolf ears. The parent's ears were more like Uri's, more like a cat's. Under the hood, creepy skull guy's ears are similar.

And, when he met Uri, he asked her name, commenting that it was a nice name. So here's my theory.

Ban had other children before he met Luna. Creepy skull guy could be one of them, which is why he recognized Uri.

Skull guy was also in Uri's village when she was healing people, so he might have followed her back to protect her.

Skull guy = Ban's child that was left in the wolf kingdom, supposedly murdered by Verona but maybe she spared his life.

The panels didn't show Verona actually killing the child. Maybe she injured him, but left him alive, and told the parent to take him and run.

Ban also would have passed the wolf kingdom on his way to Intaba, so he could have met someone there. It's entirely possible.

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