addressing this because it's disgusting and needs to be talked about-

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[edit: this is from my tumblr, so expect the next paragraph to not make sense-]

aight, i feel the need to talk about this because it's starting to piss me off.

if you've been on wattpad and sometimes read corpse husband oneshots on there from time to time, then you've probably come across the horrible, HORRIBLE things that people have written that he has stated before that he isn't comfortable with, like being called daddy and being sexualized for his voice.

well, one day i looked up corpse husband smut as a joke to see if people actually respected him as one should.

i was wrong.

there is smut about him, and it is horrendous.

he's said he isn't comfortable with smut being written about him, and it just goes to show that people don't listen.

and i swear, the writers of these,, things are completely aware of it. one even said they by no means are sexualizing him as a person and said even they aren't okay with it.

another wrote a smut of corpse x sykkuno, which states they aren't shipping them as people but their OCs. [they aren't OCs, they are corpse and sykkuno's personas of themselves, mind you-]

and another, which stated that they are aware of the fact that corpse doesn't like being called daddy and said they put a warning.

warning or not, you shouldn't at all sexualize someone who doesn't like being sexualized. meaning if your audience wants it, don't do it. if you're aware that the person doesn't like being sexualized and do it anyway, fuck you. you're disrespecting the person entirely. it doesn't matter if you're using their online persona [like sykkuno fanart or corpse husband fanart, as this is how most depict them and not think of them as actual human beings-], you just don't sexualize them ever.

they're human, they aren't just an idol on the internet or an online personality. they have actual lives, not just the ones that we, as the audience, know of.

please, don't sexualize corpse, don't sexualize anyone ever, especially when they've stated they aren't at all comfortable with it.

and if you are that 1% that does write smut about creators and know they aren't comfortable with it, fuck you for disrespecting them.

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