how i met him

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Justin's POV
"I love you baby, and if its quite alright, i love you baby, trust me when i say..."

Oh what? He's gone? Oh my God! Did he swipe me? Gosh

Oh well, maybe he doesnt like ypur voice? My sister said

I looked at her and said, " but he said he liked it!

"But he is gone" she added

Anyway, i will just ignore it but he seems give me a good vibes and i like his smile its so genuine.

So i swipe again, i think i have swipe like for 10 times, then i swiped and i saw him again

Oh wow! You again? I thought your gone!, i cant help looking at his sweet face, he have such a beautiful smile and it melts my heart.

" i thought you swipe me?" He said

"No no no, i didnt swipe you , i dont know but i think its just in the app or maybe the signal was just bad but im glad we see each other again" and i smiled.

Whats your name? I asked

"Im jonus" he said

Jonus what? I asked again, of course i wanted to know the fullname

My name is "jonus ismailaj"
Oh wow! Thats a unique name!

"What about you? Whats your name?

Oh well just call me justin, then i smiled and he smiled back

Beautiful name justin.

So what you doing in this app? Are you just like any boys here, dont ya dare ask me for nudes?

He laughed, and his laughter is so warmth, his voice is so familiar to me, i felt like i have heard this before i just dont know exactly where and when.

" i came here because i am just bored but i dont talk that much here, i just swipe, and yes i see some bad girls here , by the way this is my first time to have long talks

"Oh this is already a long talk for you?"

Yeah absolutely, by the way, im not that good in english"

I can understand, so where you from?

Im here in UK

Your in UK? But your accent isnt british

Im albanian and im living now in UK

Oh i see? Its my first time talking to albanian! Nice talking with you

Oh really? And you are?

Im filipina, you know filipino?

Yes, i know, i have one friend filipino.

Oh thats great! I said.

So what you do there in uK? I asked

He giggled and say " im a security guard"
Oh wow? So you a protector!

Thats good! Now i have a protector! I said and we both laughed

"What about you? What you do? He asked

"Im a chemist, i make drugs!
I saw he was shocked with what i said and looked at me seriously

Really? He said

Oh well, im a chemist but i dont make drugs, im just joking, then i laughed

"I think you really do it" he said

No no no, im not doing that, if i do that our President gonna kill me!

Duterte will kill you? He laughed

"How do you know Duterte is our President?"

" oh well, i have read alot about him"

" oh wow! Look at this security guard, knows alot" then we laughed again

We talked for an hour, i dont know but im so comfortable with him, i feel like i know him a long time go, everything seems so right.

" i followed him and he followed me so we can chat again" but we decided to exchange number and gave our whatsapp number to each other.
So he sent me his number
And i sent him my number
We exit in the app,

I saved his number in my phone, but i couldnt see his name in my whatsapp contact list
So i went back to bermuda and message him that i couldnt reach him, maybe he sent me a wrong number and he replied immediately
" thats my number, and i only give it to you" wait let me call you

Then after a minute i recieved a call in my whatsapp from his number. I don t know but i feel happy. A feeling that so strange i couldnt understand but i like it.
Then there he go, i see him and he smile right away, his smile really melts me.

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