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Princess...I swear that word makes me want to do so many things to him, including ripping his throat out. Huffing once again, I walk forwards through the door and I swore I heard a flash of green before I turned. How is a boy so intriguing and mysterious? He's just a boy- a very handsome boy. He could be dangerous to me, then again, im quite dangerous to him. I could easily burn his arm off and not even try.

My thoughts were cut off, "God, you walk fast," his gasps continuously filled the air as I kept on walking ahead past the narrow trees. "Gee, are girls always like this?"

I quickly snap, turning on my heel facing Peter. "Well, no. Not exactly. When we're having trouble taking in you have powers, in a new realm, the person who kidnapped you is peter pan. I think any normal human being would be frustrated." Pan gave me a look that was utterly unreadable. "What?"

All he did was look down and rub the back of his neck, "I-I'm sorry, Rosie. I really am. Just tell me," he grabbed one of my hands in his, "how can I make it all up to you?" My head turned away so I couldn't look at Pan.

"Nothing you'll agree to, you need me. And obviously alive." I roughly pull my hand away and tug the sleeves of my cardigan over the palms of my hands. Green eyes cocks his eyebrow up in confusion.

"You feel unloved don't you, Rose?" My pale cheeks began to heat up, he is definitely in for something. "Pardon me, sorry, I forgot. Rosie."

My face softens a tad letting him know it's fine. "So I see you've gotten yourself a... rough situation," I nod in response and continued walking, "Well, let's try this again," he said jogging up to me. "What do you believe about everything I've said so far pr-I mean, Rosie?"

"I believe everything, it's just-hard to take it all in at once. I haven't even been here 24 hours." You know he is still a stranger to me, he's obviously different then the tale told in London. "You know, at first I thought Peter Pan was supposed to be God and that Neverland was Heaven. And he would take in all the mentally sick boys to Heaven because they don't deserve to be called crazy or insane, that Neverland was whatever they wanted it to be. You'd save them. And that's why the kids never grew up, because they took their own lives or died in a coma and some sort. Then again, maybe I just overthought the idea of Neverland."

The unreadable look on his face reappeared once more, "Wow," he stopped walking which caused me to stop. Pan rubbed his temple and looked at me, "You, you are just... wow I can't explain it." With that he ran both his hands through his hair and chuckled.

All it took was that and I had tears in my eyes. I immediately wipe them away with my sleeve and turned away, "Great, now you think I'm crazy. Just what I need, the one person I thought I could trust thinks I've lost my marbles."

"Oh no, no no no no no, Rosie. I don't think you're crazy. I'm amazed at your thoughts." I just sniffle with my back turned. This guy is like my blood, he can take whatever path he wants it always goes to my heart. God, that's sad,depending on someone that believe they're a fairytale character. That's plain insane right there. "Rosie, I don't think you're crazy, I promise."

Then I'm engulfed in arms and this time, I hug him back. For quite some time, I cried and he would occasionally pat my back awkwardly. "Oh my, you haven't eaten all day."Well that officially explains my sensitivity. After a whileof walking, we arrive back to the little hut or Pan's home. He went in his little kitchen except it didn't have a fridge, nor freezer.

The kitchen contained a pantry, a couple drawers for silver wear and I wouldn't be all that surprised to find a pocket knife somewhere. No matter, I stood there and watched Pan open the pantry, "Ugh, I need to restock." He groaned. Just then, his eyes lit up, "Lesson 2: Making things appear before your eyes."

Ew, lessons make me think of school. Man, am I glad to be out of there.

"Okay, what do I do this time?" I say resting my hand on my hip.

Pan closes the pantry door, "Well Ms. Grace, pretty much the same thing. It's a lot easier though if you believed in yourself. It makes the task a whole lot simpler if you do. Example, I really want a... box of graham crackers." He hold his hands out and closes his eyes, magic dust revealed itself in his hands and great value graham crackers, like from what I've seen from Walmart, appeared in his hands. "See? Simple, now you try." His hair swished as he put the box down on the countertop.

I hold my hands out in front of me, take a deep breath, and close my eyes. You know what I haven't had in a while, pizza. It's been like 5 months since I have. My fingers begin to feel tingly for a moment and Pan tells me think of the delicious qualities, it helps apparently.

"You're almost there, just a little more." A tiresome feeling overcame me and I give up and open my eyes. I mutter a 'damn' before meeting his eyes. "You okay?" I nod and tell him to toss me the cracker and I head over to the couch and catch the box.

He follows me and we kept our distance, "Aren't you a talker?" Ignoring, I kept on eating and it's now like, 4:30 in the afternoon. "and you still haven't told me about yourself."

I prop my leg up onto the couch facing Pan as I finish my cracker, "Well, what do you want to know?"

His face scrunched up, in a cute way, as he thought of what to ask. A hum filled the air and I heard him speak up again, "I really want to know everything, honestly, but let's start with basics like favorite color, book, teacher?" Bleh, again, things related to school.

Bringing up my other leg to sit with my legs crossed, I think about what to say. "Well, I like Starbucks hot chocolate but not their coffee, too sweet. My favorite colors are navy blue, light purple and black all shades. Uh, let's see what else. I like to write and draw, my favorite bands are 5sos, falling in revers, sleeping with sirens-"

Pan cut me off, "First off, whats a band, like a group? And second, why would anyone sleep with sirens? And third of all, how can you fall in reverse?" That made me scoff to myself.

"Oh Peter, yes a musical group. And those are just the names of the bands." I then giggle a bit and pulled my sleeves to my elbows to play with my bracelet. A confused look spreads across the boys face, "What's the matter?"

The look faded and he shook his head, "Nothing, just I think you called me Peter. I'm not used to it." My nose scrunched up in disbelief. Why would he not be used to it, its his first name correct? I guess noticed my confusion and answered my question, "Everyone calls me Pan, no one dares to mention my first name." He chuckled.

"Why's that," I move closer ready for an untold story, "you can tell me."

With that he backs up and sits on the couches armrest. "You're still a stranger, Rosie?"

"So are you and I told you things about me," with that he let out a sigh. He sat back on the couch leaning on the cushions shaking his head not wanting to tell me anything.

"Nothing, huh?" He nodded. "Let's make a deal then, shall we?" After the words left he chuckled.

"Now why would you want to do that?" Pan's green eyes met mine as he spoke. His eyes were trying to warn me something but can't explain it.

A snicker escaped my lips, "Just listen to what I have to propose, Idjit." Another sigh came from him then childishly muttering 'fine'. "If you promise to tell me about your life sometime, I will tell you about my messed up one, but there are conditions. You keep it to yourself, and when you tell me yours, I will keep it to me."

Pan then chuckled and looked at with something I wasn't familiar with before. I can never really tel what he is feeling. You know what? Maybe that's a good thing. "Deal, but my conditions stand as well, if either of us tell about one-another, then the other is punished. Any punishment." He paused then i snickered and he laughed, "except that." I playfully punched his arm and laughed really hard, "Dirty mind, you."
With us both laughing, I took that moment and realized I wasn't alone. Peter would be my best friend.

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