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After a while, Pan went to sleep and I somehow tended to stay awake and decided to roam the cabin a bit as he continues his baby snores on the couch. Each step I took, I was afraid of making a noise and waking him up. When I found the bathroom, I was half tempted to take a shower. Again, I didn't want to wake Pan up. The bathroom had no mirror, there was a cheap-looking shower curtain that kinda looked like mine back at home with Roland and Dad.

Choosing to move on I find a different room, I couldn't find a description for it. God, I can't describe anything can I? Maybe I'm just stupid. The room had a mirror, candles (some lit some burned out), pictures- well more like drawings. It also contained books, really old looking, as if they haven't been touched for a while, years even. My head was telling me, 'Go! What if it has something to do with his past?' Then I come back with, 'He will tell me about it eventually, right?' Ah, what the hell? Let's see what this has in store for me. Walking over to the bookcase I hear a woosh and a groan. "Snoopy today, I see. " He says with raspiness in his voice.

That caused me to mutter profanities to myself and turn around on my heel, "Just lookin' around, is it such a sin to be curious?"

"Well, you might want to fix that if you don't want to get yourself into a sticky situation that you can't get yourself out of," his voice slurred with warning as he approached me. What in the world is so bad about his past that he can't tell me? "You know Rosie, it's quite difficult to let everything go. You know?" Pan turned towards the mirror and walked over to it, placing his hands on the table in front of it, "do you know what I see when I look in the mirror, Rosie?" He tightened his grip on the edges of the table, clearly showing his shame.

Slightly confused, I shake my head, "No, what do you see?" As the words liberated out of my mouth, I follow him to the reflecting glass.

"A coward, all I ever see is a coward," the moment he says it he bangs his fist on the table making me jump as he heads to the other side of the room, never turning back around.

Without thinking in the slightest I confess, "I see an afraid, talentless, sensitive, shy, depressed child with no future because she'd be dead before she could even grasp the chance to have one. That's how I see myself, useless," everything I had just told him pretty much explained me and my life. It was a lonely one.

Pan didn't dare say a word, nor did he move. We stood in silence for several moments. I occasionally looking up at the mirror only to see his back turned. Damn, I just confessed a part of my messed up life. Realizing that standing in there saying nothing was getting us no where, I begin to walk out the door covering my hands with my sleeves. Muttering a 'Goodnight' before exiting.

A shaky breath leaves before my lips as I lay on the couch staring at the ceiling with my legs crossed over one- another and my hands over my chest. Completely unaware I was keeping it in. My averagely pale skin began to look more pale then normal and I was unable to sleep at the time.

I took this time to my advantage sort something's out with myself. There wasn't much before, but now there's always something to worry about. Like how am I going to get home? Am I ever going home? More and more
thoughts started eating at my brain all at once the longer I was awake. It continued that way until I fell asleep.

An obnoxiously loud yawn showed I was awake and I tried to shift into a better postition and ended up almost suffocating with my face buried in the couch cushion- or at least what I thought was a couch cushion. I opened my eyes to see Pan's clothed chest. Being stupid, I freak out and jumped out breathing heavily. " W-Why am I in here?" In response, he groaned and switched sides he was laying on.

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