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(A/N: heh hey hey~ so the timeline takes place around 2 months before they play Seijoh again, (inter-high 2nd season)
this wont really follow the time line a lot so please take note of that^^)

❤︎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚟❤︎

Yuki had join a bit late into the year but none the less was able to make it

Surprisingly (for the team), she was able to learn volleyball quickly
which of course, was to the teams delight

-present time-

"Nishida-san... etoo, how did you carry all four of us and run to the top with-in 2 minutes?"
Yamaguchi asked Yuki politely.

"ahhh about that.."

'Shoot make an excuse, quickk'

She nervously thought

"Um I actually have training for that-" she reasoned but was rudely cut off by Tsukishima

"Pshh, Training? What kind of training let's you carry four guys up a mountain? Ni-shi-da-san"
He irked Yuki to an extent and it was beggining to get annoying but she tried to stay calm

"I'm a swordsman and trained in martial arts"
Yuki bitterly shot back

"Oh- wow.."

Everyone was shocked but hey, this girl was full of surprises and they just kept finding out more about their new member.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) nEw MeMbEr


Morning came by pretty fast and the 4 boys were sharing a guest room with futons

Now they were walking to school and is almost there
Some of them were quietly conversing while others stayed silent

Yuki thought for a bit,

"Minna, you  can call me Yuki.. I actually prefer my first name since Nishida.. Is uh too long and it gets kinda annoying"

She beamed at them and the 4 boys proceeded to blush at her smile



Morning came by pretty quickly and the boys had just woken up

Kageyama checked the time

'7:30 am'

He yawned to find Tsukishima wiping his glasses and putting them on
Yamaguchi and Hinata were still asleep so they were woken up by the two.

Hinata yawned and rubbed his eyes as he let out a soft grunt and looked around to the others doing the same.

"Let's wake Yuki-chan up"  Hinata said as he took one final yawn before getting up and stretching

The Four walked to her room and find her putting her hair into space buns

She turned around and her face made an 'o'

"Ah, Ohayo minna" she smiled

"Ohayo" they all replied

She stood up and grabbed her bag

And wore the same black combat boots as usual..

Yuki could see that the boys had just woken up,

"You guys can go prepare first, meet me at the dining room at 8:15"
She smiled
They nodded and went back to their room to change


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