George and Dream: Teething

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Request By: EllieAllisonJones

CG!George  Babyspace!Dream


George had woken up that morning by Dream cuddling him. He looked over and smiled, checking the time. "It's 8:00 am bubs, time to get up." George's voice was soft and sweet. Dream just whined a little and cuddled more into George. George smiled and sat up, Helping Dream sit up too. Dream looked at him with his cheeks puffed out and huffed. "Are you regressed?" George asked. Dream nodded and snuggled into George's side. "Ok, let's get you ready for the day little one." George picked him up and brought him down the hallway to where his nursery is. 

George opened the nursery and walked over to the closet. Picking out a onesie and a diaper, brought him over to the changing table to get him dressed. "C'mon Dreamie, let's get some breakfast," George said, picking him back up.

*Later that day*

Dream was sitting up against the couch, zoned out watching a cartoon, then his teeth started to hurt. He didn't know why but it hurt so he did the only thing he would do at this age. Cry. He wailed and squirmed in his spot. George rushed into the living room and pulled him into his lap, swaying back and forth. He shushed him. "What's wrong bubs?" George asked. Dream shoved his fingers into his mouth and lightly chewed on them. George lightly pulled them out of his mouth. Dream began to cry again.

George pulled his phone out and looked up: Why is my baby chewing on his fingers? 

Teething. Most babies begin teething between 4 and 7 months old, so while you can probably rule this out for a newborn, it could definitely be causing your older baby to suck on their hands, fists, or fingers. Their gums hurt and rubbing something against those sore spots feels good.

He then looked up: What soothes a teething baby? 

Give Your Baby a Chilled, Non-Gel Teething Toy to Chew On Or a Chilled pacifier.

George shushed Dream and stood up. Bringing him upstairs and into his nursery again. He when over to a small table and opened a drawer, grabbing a teething toy and handing it to Dream. Dream put it in his mouth and started to calm down. George then grabbed a pacifier and walked back downstairs, into the kitchen to put it in the freezer.

* 10 minutes later*

George walked back over to the freezer and took the paci out. He walked over to where Dream was and gave it to him. Dream's eyes started to droop. "You ready for a nap little one?" George asked. Dream nodded. George smiled and picked him up, bringing him upstairs and setting him in his crib. Turning the lights off, he grabbed a baby monitor.

"Have a nice nap Dreamie."

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