Chapter 1 Bonding over.....swords?

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-3rd person point of view-

It was pretty much like any other night in the Ravenclaw common room, at Hogwarts, for Vyla Suchi. She was sitting next to the fire, a sketchbook on her lap, a pencil in hand, and her head over the sketch book as she was drawing something in it. Normally, she would have been outside doing reckless stunts on her broom, Crystal Star, but it was raining. Not long after she had finished her drawing, she had fallen asleep, as a boy walked over.

The boy looked over at the drawing and had whispered to no one in particular, "Hmm, that's really good. It could compete with Ignatz..."

Someone in the background could be heard saying something as the boy had gone to his dorm and came back out with training dummies and an unsheathed sword. "Wait.....did Vyla fall asleep again?" "Looks like it" someone else had said.

-Time skip to about 5 minutes later, and in Vyla's P.O.V. real quick-

I woke up and wondered to myself, 'When did I fall alseep...oh well.' I looked over to see a boy, wielding what looked like a sword. At the sight of that, I freaked out in excitement. "IS THAT A SWORD!?" I had yelled. The boy had looked at me, "Um.....actually it is and I did not mean to scare you." I looked at the boy, "You did not scare me, I got over excited. Hold on! I have my own swords with me. Let me go get them!" I ran off to my dorm real quick.

-Brandon's P.O.V.-

I watched as the girl ran off to her dorm to retrieve her swords apparently. I saw she had two really well forged swords when she came back out. One sword had a brown handle and a brown sheath to go with it, while the other sword had more of a green, well, an olive green handle and sheath to hold with it to be exact "Tada! One sword feels lighter to me compared to the other sword, but that might be because I trained with the heavier sword for a while." The girl had said.

-Back to 3rd person-

"I'm Vyla Suchi. Who you might you be?", Vyla said as she looked at the boy, having set one of swords down and holding out her hand. "I'm Brandon Chorda Emerald" the boy replied, "I'm from Fodlan. I transferred here from Garreg Mach Monastery, to try and improve my magic grade."

"Its nice to meet you Brandon!......would you rather fight in the room of requirement? I go there all the time to train with my swords.", Vyla looked at Brandon, hoping for a positive answer. "Sure, it might be better than the common room actually.", Brandon replied.

"Ok!", Vyla took off toward the room of requirement, a place perfect for training with swords and sword fighting someone else, in mind. Not long after, Brandon joined Vyla in the room.

"Hey Brandon! Wanna duel?", she asked looking at Brandon, a gleam in her eyes. "Hey! This is better for a duel! Let's do this!", Brandon had exclaimed, has he unsheathed his swords.

Vyla put her green sword down and pulled out the brown handled one, she currently has strapped to her back. "Its been a while since I have actually fought someone.", Vyla said as she got into into a fighting stance. Brandon turned both swords backhanded, and went into a stance that could be both offensive and defensive, depending on the following action.

Vyla rushed forward, in a surprisingly quick motion, and attacked Brandon, whose eyes glowed red, as a small and black wave, exploded out of him, parrying the attack. Vyla began attacking at a fast speed, as Brandon started spinning, his swords spinning like a whip, protecting every inch of his body. "I've been training since I was 5. You're not gonna win this.", he said. "Oh yeah! We'll see about that! I've been training since I was three!" Vyla responded.

"Oh. You want me to try my hardest then?" He asked, as Vyla suddenly did a backflip, and began doing an odd version of the Naruto run. She was going a bit faster than Brandon could see, in order to spot an opening, and when she did, she made a quick jump, and did a flying tail spin attack on him, which surprised him partially, as she landed on one of his blades.

"Hardest it is then!", exclaimed Brandon, as his eyes go red and black, and weird semisolid tentacle-like things burst out of his back, raising him higher and higher until he isn't on the floor anymore, and one of the pillars of sludge land on Vyla's feet. "What the heck!?", Vyla exclaimed. "You want the hardest fight. Let me introduce the rage awakened!", said Brandom as he swung a sword like a whip, hitting Vyla twice, before he rushed forward, faster than the eye could see, and kicked her in the stomach. "Oof!" Vyla said as she was knocked back.

"Ok......I'm kind of glad I am small but I don't know I'd I should be. Speed might help me win this! Full power huh? Guess I should go full power as well!, said Vyla. She began glowing, with a pure white aura surrounding her, and when she attacks, she is suddenly much faster and stronger. "This is my true power! The rage of a girl who is purely kind!" She exclaimed.

Brandon then said something, that she was unable to understand, in Japanese, "ソシスから権力を与えられた真の人の怒りを感じる。唯一の怒りが目覚めました!" (A/n. This literally translates to this. I feel the anger of a true person given power by Sosys. The only anger awoke!..Which, Sosys is actually supposed to be Sothis.) Brandon grabbed Vyla with the sludge, preventing her movement, or at least, thinking he did. Vyla suddenly slice through the sludge, and runs up a wall, doing a backflip as she exclaimed something, "That can't stop me! Take this you ugly slime!", she cut into the sludge, with what looked like a whit, flaming move, but the sludge didn't budge.

Suddenly voices echoed around the room, "Brandon, calm down, it is only a duel.", spoke a female voice. "Thanks Leonie, whatever your doing.", responded Brandon, as he detransansformed. Vyla also detransformed as well, as Brandon looked at her. "What was that, that you went? You know, with the white aura thingy?" Brandon asked. "Oh......that.....that would have been the 3rd time it's happened. I awakened that power when I was little, childhood friend.........was killed in front of my eyes. This power.....of mine.....I am a very, very kindhearted and loving person, and you could say, that this power, is pretty much like the embodiment of pure love and kindness, basically." She responded.

"What about yours? What was that?", she had asked, looking at Brandon curiously. "The rage awakened.......I became the rage awakened. A powerful entity from Fodlan. When something terrible will happen, like a massive war, the person with the most kind spirit, is granted power by Sothis, the goddess, to end the problem as soon as possible.", he responded.

"Oh..." was all Vyla could say, before she asked a question, "How was I not granted that power then?" Brandon looked at her, "Because I have a kinder spirit or because you're not from Fodlan, so if a war broke out, you wouldn't know.", he replied. Vyla said something before going into a train of thought, "Maybe we have a similar power, that is not quite the same."

Vyla began thinking to herself. 'With me being a descendant of Gaea, I'm sure I would know if something that bad were to happen........maybe Brandon is like me.' She looked at Brandon, "That was one heck of a duel....I enjoyed it! I think I'm gonna head back now though.", she said before she left the room of requirement.

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