Chapter - 41 : Fighting Spirit

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Next morning, Sanskar was getting ready to go for his office, he was engrossed in his thoughts. Swara came to him with tie. He turned to her sensing her presence at his back.

"Swara, what happened? You are not ready? Get ready let's leave together." Sanskar asked, looking at his wife who was dressed up in her home cloths.

"I am thinking to do work from home for couple of days. There is so much is going on in home so..." Swara replied adjusting tie strap around his collar.

"hmm but you do have some meetings for that Golden Connect Highway deal." Sanskar reminded her.

"Yes, but I will join bridge. Mom would be alone if I left for office. And Dad is broken... Divya Aunty is still not stable, early morning I went to her room, she is still sleeping under medicine's effect ... Mumma... she also needs attention. How will Mom handle everything single handily?" Swara took deep breath shaking her head in denial.

"hmm you are right." Sanskar hummed with nod. He left deep sigh, "forward me invite, I will join the meeting so you can concentrate here. I will start looking into it."

"No, it's ok I will manage. Already there is so much on your plate." Swara knew how much Sanskar was swamped up with their office work.

"With in next two days we will have board meeting. This board meeting is going to be hell hectic. We all will be surrounded with innumerable questions. Safeguarding confidence of shareholders and investors is going be tiresome. We have to crack couple of major deals which can overshadow news about Sid Uncle. We have to grab this Golden Connect Highway Deal; it will prove as major breakthrough and also will increase confidence level. Also, I am thinking to make peace treaty with..." Sanskar's business mind was running in all directions.

"Sanskar please don't take tension. I know you will do it. WE WILL DO IT TOGETHER. I trust you; we all are together. We will find our ways and be out of this soon. Golden Connect Highway deal will be ours. I will make sure of it." Swara interrupted assuring him with confidence. She knew how much he was stressed from few days.

"Swara... one more thing. I... I know you never shared pleasant equation with Divya Aunty but right now..." Sanskar caressed her cheek with back of his fingers.

Swara's lips stretched in smile due to his feathery touch. She held his hand in hers.

"Over these months, I know one thing about Divya Aunty and that is she loves you so much. And that makes her important for me." Swara's warm words engulphed his heart with content feeling.

She took a momentary pause to observed peace on his face and then continued with honesty, "I cannot forget how she insulted Papa and Mumma every time in a single day, Sanskar. I don't even know if I will be able to forgive her or not, but one thing is for sure in this situation, I will maintain my civil with her."

"Thanks, my love" Sanskar took deep breath feeling relaxed. He kissed her forehead.

"You don't need to" Swara turned to get his suit and asked inquisitively, "What about that creep? Where is he? Does he know what is going on in his family?"

"He is in Singapore. And I don't think he is aware as we kept everything under blanket." Sanskar scrunched his nose.

"But we would need to inform him. Divya Aunty will need his support. I hope he will mend his ways after this" Swara voiced out possibility.

"His support.... mend his ways" Sanskar left humorous laugh shaking his head, "If I know my cousin, then instead of thinking about his life to bring it on right track to support his mother. He will surely take impulsive route which will destroy him only. He does not care about anything or anyone, except his own selfish motives. He will be agitated, as now his cover is blown up."

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