Chapter - 11: Engaged! Really?

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"Aditya what happened?" Swara asked scrunching her eyebrows, over last couple of days she had observed him, he looked depressed and sad.

"After two weeks who will teach me and help me with my studies? Ma told me that you are going away"

"Where am I going Aditya?"

"Ma said you are getting married so you will go to your groom uncle's house to stay and that too for forever"

"Ohh so that is why my Aditya is upset with me. But don't worry. I am going to come here every day"

Swara had already conveyed about her every day's visits to her father and nobody should ask any questions to her about this agreement. Initially, Sahil was reluctant, but later he agreed to her this demand as usual.

Next day, Swara went to her office on regular time, she was working on her Mac when Payal entered her cabin after asking permission.

"Yes, Payal what happened?"

"Mam, there is meeting request from Mr. Maheshwari's PA for Amanera, they wanted to revisit our proposal to bring alignment between two projects"

Payal's insights caught immediate attention from Swara, she was surprised with this sudden turn of tables.

It has been just a week for their dinner at Maheshwari House and preparations for engagement and marriage were going on in full swing.

Sanskar and Swara both have requested for private weddings, families have decided that Udaipur's Maheshwari's Royal Palace as venue of occasion.

It was finalized marriages will be a complete private and family affair at Udaipur whereas after coming back to Mumbai Maheshwari's and Mehra's will threw a grand reception for both couples.


She scrunched her eyebrows looking as 'Private Number'. She received call being skeptical but the voice from other end gave thumping sensation to her heart.

His enchanted voice over the call made her breathless.

"You can leave" She ordered.

"Hello Ms. Mehra. How are you?"

She was waiting for Payal's departure before any talks with her Mr. Maheshwari.

"Ms. Mehra are you there?"

"Mr. Maheshwari, ohh hi... I am good. How about you?" Swara replied with fumbled. He always impacted her shaking her entire existence.

"I am much finer than you think" Sanskar chuckled at her fumbled response.

He continued in teased tone, supressing his laugh, "I hope I am not disturbing you. You would have received formal request for meeting from my PA for discussion about Amanera and Gurgoan SEZ projects alignments. But I thought, since ...... now we are a family, I should personally invite you for the discussion."

'Of course, you are disturbing me Mr. Maheshwari'

Swara gritted teeth and voiced out with cold and sarcastic tone, "I think, we already had enough discussions about both projects, and I have already made my points clear. I left it on you and if I am not forgetting it was YOU who was skeptical about this alignment."

"Yes of course, you are not forgetting anything, and it was my way of work. But seriously your proposal was truly alluring and on the same day, I have asked my team to work on it. And now we have got go ahead from our advisory board with minimal changes. My team wants to present these changes and if agreed Maheshwari's are IN for this alignment."

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