14) Tik Tok Trends 2

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So many asked for it and I am planing to make more so wait for them also going to make part two of Changed but how?

-In this trend you suddenly go cuddle with your boyfriend and then rub your thumb in circular motion on their cheek and see their reaction. (I think this might be a fluff week for me?)
( Do you like fluff?)

I was watching Tik tok when I saw a trend and I really wanted it to do it with Damian but he will say no for sure so I made a plan let's see if it is worth it!

Damian's Pov:
I was on the bed shirtless (don't take it wrong people please I am a innocent child lmao) I was not able to sleep. When Angel entered the room with some blankets and pillows and some cute plushies.

Angel looked adorable in her Robin pajamas. I looked at her and then started to see new twitter posts about sheltering animals.

When Beloved came to me and threw herself on me and layed on my chest and kept her face between the bed and my neck.

I smelled her fragrance just like vanilla and strawberries. I kept my phone on the table and flipped her down. She was now under me. She looked at me and gave a cute smile . I kissed her. Then hugged her waist and kept my head. On her chest I was about to sleep when she started to rub circles on my cheek.

It felt so nice. I don't know but she always know how to do the right thing at the right time.

'I love you angel, beloved, habibiti.' I mumbled she stared to shower more love on me and I just loved being pampered by her.

I don't know how but really sent an angel to me!(I don't know about God seriously thank me demon spawn.)

And that's they slept in a deep slumber and before that Marinette posted it on tik tok and it got over 30 m likes.

My boyfriend is so cute love him.
(Video attached)

Somewhere in the world one person was jealous how that brat got such a rich boyfriend. And other was jealous how her princess got a boyfriend.(fuck off Lier-Grossi and ass-agrete)

Also Marinette got a verified tag as she got famous!

The End

one shots;daminetteWhere stories live. Discover now