Chapter: 003

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Emilia guides me through a maze of hallways, never once bothering to look up from her phone. I stare at it longingly.

Natalie is probably worried about me and Marianna... I was supposed to pick up my bridesmaid's dress from the store. Shit. She was going to kill me.

Not if this family doesn't kill you first, my conscience reminds me.

I've been missing for probably a day... can't be sure though. The drugs they knocked me out with to get me here, have my mind still a little foggy.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked. She peers over at me, her forehead creasing as if she's trying to remember why I was still there.

"He said not to let you near any mobile device."

"When did he ever say that?"

She showed me her phone and a text that said; 'Don't let her near any mobile devices.'


After a bit of wandering she turns into an unlocked room and I follow her in lamely, drawing back in amazement once I take it all in.

Tall walls, high ceilings, in colours of beige and gold that scream 'expensive.' Crystal chandeliers the size of my entire person hang smack dap in the centre, over the four-poster canopy bed, covered in sheets of silk.

To my left are double doors that lead to a closet and right beside that is another pair of doors that lead to what I assume could be the bathroom. "Whose room is this?" I asked her. This is nicer than anything I've ever owned.

"Yours," she said and my mouth dropped but I quickly clench my jaw. I wasn't going to let her think I was impressed with any of this, even though I sure the fuck was.

"Here we go..." Emilia drawls, moving towards the bed in a lazy strut before she settles in a neat fold at the edge, looking very much like a queen staring down her nose at the pauper who'd come to beg for favours. "I'll have Sandor bring over some of my clothes until we can fix you."

"Fix me?"

Does this bitch want to get punched in her throat?

"I am fine just the way I am, thank you very much."

"Fine doesn't cut it here," She said. "You'll be staying with us. That means wherever we go, you go and with that, all eyes will be on you too. Us Correttis have an image to uphold and you're not going to fuck it up with your chipped nails and bushy eyebrows." I'm starting to think this whole family is just a bunch of assholes. "Sometime this week I'll come by with some people whose going to help you get rid of that chip on your shoulder. I'd recommend getting familiar with them since they'll be the ones charged with dressing you up for formal events where we're expected to show. And that also includes you, in case that wasn't clear enough for you. Any questions?"

Yes, why are you such a bitch?


"Good," She says, eyes narrowing. "Because I have a question of my own." Before I know it, she was in front of me. So close I can see the grey specks eyes, and feel the weight of all that wealth and fame exuding off of her in waves, that I just can't help but feel inferior. "I want to know what my cousin wants with you?"

"And I would rather not have your cousin haul my ass out of my very comfortable apartment? Yet, here we are." I say dryly. "We both can't get what we want."

Her eyes sparkled but not for the reason I'd hoped. "So he kidnapped you then?"

I scoff. "You think I would come to the headquarters of the most renowned mafia family in the world for the shits? What do you take me for?"

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