condensed milk

866 18 14

When people start presenting, are we supposed to congratulate them or panic?" Akihiko asked Mafuyu, who was previously in the state of solicitude, transitioning to the state of wanting to strangle his senpai.

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The room that Ritsuka claimed to be his was one of the last places he wanted to be. It was getting too hot for him to bear, and the heat was straight-up dreadful.

That's right.

Despite being on break from school and already turning seventeen, in which the idea of getting older wasn't exactly a pleasant thing to some people, Ritsuka despised the summer season.

The heat, the smell of hot trash that's littered on random creases of sidewalks, the flies and mosquitoes, and the sweat. Ritsuka did not want to get started with the sweat.

What was worse was that the air conditioning broke down last week out of all times, resulting in the Uenoyama family having to live on frozen water bottles and a single electric fan for them to share. It was currently Yayoi's turn to occupy the fan in her bedroom for an hour, so Ritsuka stocked up on the last frozen water bottle to keep him from the brim of possible heatstroke.

He could've just chilled in Yayoi's room with her, but he was already comfortable in bed. It may be too hot, but being in bed was the best thing he had going on for him right now. On top of his insanely lazy self, it was almost his turn to use the fan anyway.

Ritsuka moved the water bottle from against his forehead to his arms and legs. He could feel the water droplets outside of the bottle drip onto his skin— condensation at its finest.

In the past few hours, he noticed that his skin looked a bit pale from usual but brushed it off since he didn't worry about the possibility of being sick in the middle of summer out of all seasons. For now, he just wanted to either take an extremely long nap or for something, anything to happen.

At this point, he thought that supplementary lessons were better than his current state of boredom. At least he was able to see Mafuyu and breathe the same air as him in the classroom.

Ritsuka let out a small groan as the sun got more robust against his windows. That made him move the bottle to his skin's smoothest areas, which were his thighs. He was sweating down there for a while now.

He winced at the sudden cold contact against them since his thighs were one of the most sensitive parts of his body. At first, Ritsuka felt quite ashamed for such a thing and was insecure for feeling vulnerable there out of all places. But he was able to get over that and a bunch of other self-doubts once he started playing guitar. His father received the brownie points for that.

All of a sudden, a ping from his phone echoed throughout the room.

Assuming it was a LINE text message from Itaya who wanted him to hang out and socialize or his older sister being a lazy shit because she didn't bother to get out of her room to walk three steps to her brother's room to ask him for something verbally, he ignored it. Typically, being the one to check his messages right away constantly, the summer heat was a direct text that told him not to.

A second and third ping followed a few minutes after, disrupting Ritsuka's chain of meaningless thoughts. He sighed and slowly sat up to reach for his phone. If he got up too quickly, he was sure to pass out.

Haruki: Where are you? You're usually the first one here! (2:22 PM)

Haruki: Hello?? (2:24 PM)
Haruki: Oi!! (2:25 PM)

Getting all confused about what his senpai was talking about, Ritsuka texted back.

Ritsuka: What? (2:25 PM)

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