WWE: A Forbidden Love

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AJ Lee and John Cena have been secretly dating while AJ was GM. Instead of telling the truth about the relationship AJ Lee decides to resign to keep John Cena's name clean.

[In John Cena's dressing room]

AJ Lee- John I think we should just tell the truth ! Vickie is getting closer and closer to finding some hardcore evidence.

John Cena- I got this handled AJ there's nothing to worry about.

AJ Lee- You said this when we first started now I lost my dream job and have to come out week after week and lie to all of my fans ! *AJ Lee begins to cry*

John Cena- Do you think I like this ? I'm only doing this for the sake of the company ! I am the face of WWE do you know how bad WWE sells and views will go down if people find this out ?

AJ Lee- I don't care John ! I just want to be happy and stop lying.Maybe if we tell the truth it won't be so bad.

John Cena- AJ I've been in this company for 10 years I know how this works ! AJ Lee you just have to be patient . Ok ?

AJ Lee- I understand. *AJ stops crying*

[At a WWE RAW show]

Vickie Guerrero- AJ I have voice mails that you sent to John ! *Vickie plays the voice mails]

AJ Lee- You are a liar ! That is not me ! You hacked into John's phone and remade those fake messages !

* The crowd boos Vickie Guerrero and chants FAKE! FAKE! *

Vickie Guerrero- I will show all of you guys ! Next week I will have more evidence !

[ Vickie Guerrero's office]

*Vickie Guerrero's phone rings *

Vince McMahon- Vickie everyone is getting tired of your false information.

Vickie Guerrero- Mr.McMahon I insure you that this affair is true !

Vince McMahon- Next week on RAW you better have some hardcore evidence ! Or you're FIIIIIIIRRRRREEED ! * Vince laughs and hangs up the phone *

*Vickie Guerrero begins to cry*

*AJ Lee hears the whole conversation outside of Vickie's office and knocks on the door and walks in*

Vickie Guerrero- AJ Lee look at what you've caused ! I know you two are having an affair whether John or you admit it and I will find proof !

AJ Lee- Vickie....John and I did have an affair....I want to help you...

Vickie Guerrero - Why are you trying to help me ?

AJ Lee- I heard your whole conversation with Mr.McMahon and I don't want you to get fired because of my mess.

Vickie Guerrero- Oh. So how do you plan on helping me.

AJ Lee- I know someone at the hotel we were staying at I can get you some evidence.But Vickie, John cannot find out about this. We have to act like things are normal.

Vickie Guerrrero- Ok.Thank you !

AJ Lee- Don't thank me. This is a mess I made that I have to fix.

[ AJ Lee's house ]

*AJ Lee calls her friend Amanda who works at the hotel where the WWE superstars and divas stayed at during the Europe tour*

AJ Lee- Hi Amanda. I need a really huge favor !

Amanda- I'll do anything what do you need ?

AJ Lee- Well...I need you to look over some footage of me and John.

Amanda- What do you need that for ???

AJ Lee- Well I need it to help a fri... an associate out.

Amanda- Well what kind of footage ?

AJ Lee- Well it needs to look like we have a serious relationship.

Amanda- Lol you guys do ! But I'll find something and email it to you.

AJ Lee- I don't want you to do this if it will get you fired !

Amanda- It's okay AJ I've done this before !

AJ Lee- Thanks ! Anytime you need anything I'll be there ! Bye.

[ The next morning ]

*AJ Lee wakes up and checks her email. She finds pictures of her and John Cena*

*AJ feels relieved. She emails Vickie Guerrero the pictures*

[ Monday Night at a WWE RAW show]

Vickie Guerrero- Today I have witnesses and some pictures !

* Vickie introduces the witnesses she hired without AJ's knowledge.*

*AJ watches backstage impressed. "She is one sneaky witch" AJ thinks to herself. AJ walks out as planned and defends herself*

AJ Lee- I don't know who this people you hired are or what pictures you have but we all know it's not true !

*AJ Lee and Vickie Guerrero argue back and forth as planned. Vicke begins to show her evidence but then John Cena unexpectedly comes out*

*John Cena comes out and exchange words with Vickie and then kisses AJ. John Cena didn't kiss AJ to show his love or feelings he did it to cause a distraction. During the kiss Dolph Ziggler comes out and attacks John Cena.*

[ Two Weeks later at AJ Lee's house ]

*AJ Lee is at her house watching TMZ*

TMZ Reporter - We have some pictures of WWE Superstar John Cena at former WWE Diva Nikki Bella's High School reunion kissing and hugging. *The pictures are shown*

 *AJ Lee turns off the T.V*

AJ Lee- He doesn't care about me ! He never cared about me ! He was just using me ! I will show him !

 [ One week later at TLC ]

*At TLC during Dolph Ziggler and John Cena's match AJ comes out.It looks like she is helping John Cena but then she knock the ladder over while he is climbing the top which allows Dolph Ziggler to get the briefcase. This shocks the entire WWE Universe *

[ AJ Lee's house ]

*AJ Lee is at her house crying when she hears a knock at her door*

*John Cena storms in angry*

John Cena- Why did you do that to me ?

AJ Lee- Stop the charade John I know what you've been up to !

John Cena- What are you talking about !

AJ Lee- John you never cared about me ! You weren't hiding our relationship for the sake of the business ! You were doing all this to keep your relationship with Nikki Bella.

*John Cena kisses AJ Lee.*

John Cena- I do care about you.

AJ Lee- Get out of my house ! I know the truth now !

{ Thanks for reading ! This is my take on what happened behind the scenes during the events of the AJ scandal all the way to TLC ! I hoped you enjoyed ! }

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