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"Let's do this scene one more time please," The director said.

I walked off to the door of the Salvatore home out of the camera's view as the filming began once again. This scene is quite iconic if I must say, basically I enter the home saying 'hello brothers' in Damon tradition.

"-All I'm saying is Elena wouldn't be happy with what your doing, Damon." Paul began. "Do you really want to give everything up?"

"Wow Stefan, you have found a way to make this conversation about Elena once again." Ian grumbled, rolling his eyes. "Clever. Using my weaknesses against me."

"Mhm. When are you going to learn Damon?" Paul dead-panned, wrinkling his nose angrily.

"When you stop being an obedient git, little brother."

That was my cue to come on. I slammed the doors open, smirking as the cameras followed in my direction towards the fireplace of the home.

"Hello, brothers." I cooed waving my right hand, planting myself down on the leather sofa as I stole the bottle of bourbon from Ian's hands taking a lengthy sip. Leaving both boys in complete shock.

"Mhmmm. Has bourbon always tasted this good? I remembering it tasting like a mouldy shoe. Was that just me?" I shrugged, crossing my legs.

"D-daphne," Paul mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows out of confusion.

"Sister," Ian grumbled, widening his eyes.

"The pair of you look as if you have seen a ghost!" I sarcastically say. "You can poke me if you want, see if I disappear." I wave my hands around in a snarky motion.

The boys exchanged a look before Ian brings his finger to my shoulder poking it violently. I start laughing, as the two sit there in shock.

"Not a ghost! Thank God, I'd hate to be one, I wouldn't be able to stand being pale 24/7. Though... I've seen a ghost before, and they do not look pale. He was quite tanned actually, handsome fella—,"

"Joke's over. What are you doing here—," Ian questioned grabbing the bottle from my hand. "—And more importantly how are you alive?!"

"Cut." One of the directors yelled, "Nice work the three of you, Have a rest we'll be back in 20."

I sighed with relief, I forgot how tiring filming is. I put on my sunglasses heading over to my dressing room, flopping down on the chair. There was a knock on the door, causing me to groan.

"Come in."

Kat peered her head around the door and grinned. I smiled back and beckoned for her to come and sit. She leant on the door, shutting it as she sat on a beanbag.

"You got your old dressing room back?!"

"Yep, though was someone using it? it reeks of
aftershave." I muttered, reaching for a makeup brush scattered on the desk.

"I think this was Chris's room for a while, but then the crew moved him out when a pipe broke." She admitted.

I turned around to face her, taking the sunglasses off my face. "Wait Chris smells like this?"

"Has someone got a crush?" Kat hummed, making me snort.

"As if, I haven't even met him in person."

She just sat there for a moment gaping her bottom lip open, doing what appeared to be studying my face. I tilted my head away snapping her out of her trance.


She smiled cheekily, "You'll be meeting him soon."

"Don't say I've got a scene with him." I pleaded, shaking my head.

It's not like I would hate having a scene with him, it's just I barely know the guy and he doesn't really seem like the most warming person in the world.

"Do you not read the script Iris?! He is literally your love interest." Kat spoke, the corners of her mouth turning into a smug smile.


"Great. What about Nate and Daniel?" I rolled my eyes, spinning around in my chair.

"Not sure, ask Julie I think she wants you to appear on a few of the originals episodes." She replied her full attention on the script in front of her.

Kat began to scoff, which turned into a rather annoying chuckle. "You're not going to like this, you and Chris have a sex scene in the next episode."

What. The. Fuck.

"Great. I'm having sex with a sociopath who my brothers hate." I said in an unamused tone, I didn't notice that I spoke as my character till after the words left my mouth.

"Wow, you really are in character."

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ik that season 7 doesn't really have a episode like what i described because of the whole rayna cruz moment, let's just pretend that stefan and damon got a moment to come back home.

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