Sometimes It's Only Love

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Ben strapped Ava into her car seat before driving to Miranda's house for Tuck's birthday party. "Can I have cake?" His goddaughter asked.

"Of course."

"And ice cream?"

"Yes." He smiled and looked at her in the rearview mirror.

She gave him a wide smile. "And candy?"

"Yes, baby girl." Miranda's street was crowded and he ended up having to park down the street. He held hands with Ava as they walked toward the house that was easily recognizable as one hosting a birthday party. He'd helped Miranda set up before he rushed to pick up Ava.

As soon as they walked in, Tuck ran over shouting his name. Ben bent down and tickled the boy a little. "Happy Birthday, bud!"

Seeing Ava, he laughed, hugging the girl. "Ava!"

"Happy Birthday, Tuck!" Ava said hugging him back. She dropped the gift at Ben's feet before the two of them took off. Ben shook his head and looked around the room. He didn't know any of the other kids or their parents, but there was a face that he recognized. He'd seen it on Facebook and in a picture or two around Miranda's house—her ex-husband, Tucker. The man's back was to the door and he was talking to another parent. Miranda moved through the room and her face lit up when she saw him. They hugged.

He took the opportunity to kiss the top of her head quickly. "Need help with anything?" Ben asked.

"Um, I think everything is pretty much set. Want to put that on the gift table?" He shrugged. "Is that from you or Ava?"

"Ava." She laughed, grabbing his hand and leading him through the room. They'd pushed the furniture to the side so that there was a lot of space in the middle for the ten or so kids to roam, play and dance. Miranda introduced him to a few of the parents, most of whom were women, before he put the box on the table.

"So, where's your gift?" Miranda looked at him, crossing her arms.

He made a face. "It's in my trunk. When the kids go outside for games, I'll get it."


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tucker wandering over to them. Ben braced himself as Miranda cleared her throat. "Ben, Tucker. Tucker, Ben."

"What's up, man?" Ben said as he shook Tucker's hand.

"Can't call it," Tucker replied. One of the mothers he'd met came over and pulled Miranda away. She squeezed his hand and he smiled.

Ben noted that Tucker was a few inches taller than he was and, secure in his own manhood, he could say that the man was handsome, but Ben remembered how he left Miranda feeling and wanted to deck him right then and there. "Well, uh, you've got a great kid in Tuck," Ben said trying to make small talk. What was the current supposed to say to the former?

"That's good."

"What's that?" Ben asked.

"That you know that he's my kid."

The two men stared at each other and it felt like every pair of adult eyes was on them. Ben chuckled a little to confuse anyone who was looking. Before walking away, he gave Tucker a gentle but firm pat on the back. He found Miranda who, along with a few other parents, was ushering the children into the backyard. "Hey, I'm going to go and get his gift out of the car."

"What is it?"

"I won't ruin the surprise," he said kissing her lips in the empty room.

"You're frustrating," she said. Just outside the door, he could hear the kids laughing and playing. At his car, Ben gathered the pieces of Tuck's gift; he would have to put it together in the house. Once he was inside again, he could see the party continuing. Everyone looked so happy while he had the misfortune of being slightly pissed off. As he assembled the gift, a few parents would stop by and comment on how great it was.

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