teen mum part 1

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A/N this will be you finding out that you are pregnant this part is how it starts for all of the bots but there will be separate chapters of you telling him and his reaction

This one is long it is 1489 words

Warnings: Sickness, mentions of periods

Y/N/N = your nickname

Max, Harvey Dobby and tom ~ You are 16 nearly 17 and Max and Harvey and Tom are 18 and Dobby is17

You have a sister called Angelica(25) and a sister called Orlaith (23) ( "golden princess" or "golden sovereign" in Irish). You also live with your sister Orlaith, Angelica is just visiting

I wake up in the middle of the night wrapped up in the soft warm sheets of my bed needing to be sick so I rush up and run to the bathroom to be sick then a minute later my older sister Angelica walks in

"You ok Y/N, " She asks in a worrying tone

"No I feel sick and I do not know why" I reply

"Let's go and sit in your bedroom and talk about it," She says as she leads me to my bedroom

I sit on my bed and Angelica sits on my desk chair

"How long have you been feeling sick for?" She asks me

" I would say about 2 weeks and I have been sick every night and morning for a week and a half," I reply to her worried about what she is going to say

" When did you last have your period?" she asks me as I get more worried

"About a month and 2 weeks ago, so it is late" I reply as I think back to when I last had my period

"Do you think you could be pregnant?" Angelica asks me and I start to panic

" Honestly Angie it could be a possibility, if I am what do I do, how will Parker and Orlaith react, what will happen, what will people think?" I question as I start to panic and start to cry

"Y/N/N it is going to be fine I will be there for you if you want in the morning I can go and get you some pregnancy tests and you can take them and we can find out then if they are positive we can then tell Orlaith or I can tell her and after we tell Orlaith, " Angelica tells me

" Yeah can you tell Orlaith and thank you, Angie," I tell her

"No problem you are my younger sister I am meant to be there for you if I was not I would not be doing my role of big sister, go to sleep then I will cook you breakfast in bed and then I will go and get you some pregnancy tests." Angelica once again tells me

" Night Angie," I say as I get up and hug Angelica then get back into my bed and lay down

" Night Y/N/N," she says turning my light off and closing my door

I open my laptop and put on Jack Whitehall I'm only joking on Netflix whilst I fall asleep

*Time skip to the morning*

"Y/N wake up I have made you breakfast and brought it up whilst you eat it I will go and get some pregnancy tests and you do not have to worry about Orlaith finding out she has gone to the theatre" Angelica whispers to wake me up but not to be too loud as I have only just woken up

"Thank you, Angie, and why has Orlaith gone to the theatre for?" I thank her whilst questioning the reason for my older sister to be at work when she was not meant to be in today as she was not in a show

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