teen mum pt2 Harvey

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A/N this is a long part it is about 1351 words, there is also mention of dead parents so if that will upset you then please do not read it i do not want you to be upset.

"Well, who is the dad then?" Orlaith asks me

"My boyfriend Harvey," I tell her

"Well at least it is your boyfriend and not one of your friends, or someone you have just met on the streets," Orlaith says

"Hey, orla what is that supposed to mean?" Angelica buts in bursting into the room

"What have you seen the stuff she wears and how many boyfriends she has had in the past, she and Harvey have only been dating for about 2 months and she is already pregnant," Orlaith replies

"That is it I'm going" I yell whilst getting up and grabbing my phone coat and shoes

Angelica's P.O.V

" look what you have done, you are meant to be her older sister" i yell to Orlaith

"And she is 17 and pregnant. I can not have that ." she yells back

" you said that you will support her and that you were not mad about it. What made you change your mind." I yell back to Orlaith

"What will people think if my sister is a teen mum and I have her living under my roof."

"But you promised her that you will look after her and support her in any life decisions, but you turn on your word, you promised me you promised her, but most importantly you promised mum before she died," I yell but starting to call down a bit when mentioning my mum

" I know I promised mum that I would look after her and would not let any harm come to her but I can not have my 16-year-old sister who is a teen mum living here, mum would not be happy and neither would dad," she yells

"Mum and dad are not here anymore and I know that they would not be happy well dad would not be happy but he would come round eventually and support her he would even want you to support and help her but no you are not. If you excuse me i am going to find our sister and see if she is ok." I yell walking out of the door


I run out of my house and walk to the park that is surrounded by a woodland area, which is where my mum always used to take me after school or when I was not feeling the best we also used to walk our old dog here.

As I sit here thinking how to tell Harvey that I am pregnant, what will I do and where will I go if Orlaith does not want me anymore?

Oh Angelica is calling

" Hey, Angie what do you want?"

" where are you?" she asks with a worried tone in her voice

"I am where mum used to take me, just thinking about things," I reply to Angelica

"Ok, I am on my way to come and get you," Angelica replies to me

"Where will I go, what will happen?" I ask Angelica over the phone

" I will talk about it more when I get to where you are," she says

"Ok bye Angie," I say hanging up

*time skip to when angelica gets to the park*

"Hey Y/N" Angelica greets me as she walks to the park

"Hey, Angie what will I do, where will I go if Orla does not want me to live there how do I tell Harvey?" I say getting panicked

" hey Y/N it will be ok you can stay with me and I will help you I will help you get a job and help with paying for the stuff the baby needs if you are going to keep the baby," Angelica tells me

"I want to keep the baby but what if Harvey does not want to?" I ask angelica

"Even if you want to keep the baby and Harvey does not want to keep the baby then you do what you want to, keep the baby and if he does not then still give him the chance to be in the babies life and get to know the baby," she says

"Where will I go I do not want to go to Orla's again, after what she said." I ask angelica

" you can come and live at mine and we will do this together you can invite Harvey around and ask him, you can go out into the garden at the back and speak to him," Angelica replies

" Ok thank you, Angelica."

*time skip to Harvey being there and you are in the garden*

*by the way you are wearing the same outfit as you did in the last one*


*just imagine your dream garden *

"Hey Harvs" i say greeting him as he walks into the back garden where I was waiting for him

"Hey baby" he replies back to me

"I have something to tell you and it is very important and you have to promise me that you will listen and let me explain first."

" ok i promise to listen" Harvey replies to me

"Ok so you know a couple of weeks ago when Orlaith was staying in London for a week and you stayed round to keep me company," I ask him

"Yes I do" he replies to me

"Well we started to make out and it went a bit far and got very heated, and we did not use any protection," I tell him

"Yeah, I can kind of see where this is going," he says

"I'm pregnant, and before you say anything I know I am 16 and you are 18 and you have fans and your career is going really well but I want to keep the baby and raise it even if you do not want to I will do it with the help of Angelica."

"I want to keep the baby and be in its life and it will be a shock to my fans as we have not yet announced that we are dating and now we are going to announce that we are going to have a baby. We can do this with the help of our family and friends." Harvey says

" thank you Harvs but we will not have the support of all of our family," I tell him

"What do you mean baby?" he asks me sounding worried

"Orlaith has basically kicked me out and does not want anything to do with me but Angelica said I can live with her and she will help with anything that we need."

"I'm so sorry baby, but I'm so glad that Angelica is going to help I'm sure my mum will help and will be there to support us. We can do this together, it will be ok."

*another time skip to you messaging Orlaith*

Y/N: Hey Orlaith I just wanted to say thank you for taking me in when mum and dad died, and thank you for the support with my dreams, I hope your time in Hamilton is amazing and I hope you eventually find the one and have kids and live your best life. All the best from your baby sister Y/N/N

Orlaith: Hey Y/N/N thank you and I hope you have the meat life and get to live your dreams and I am so sorry but I am not comfortable with you living under my roof.

Y/N: No problem Orla, and Angelica will be around to collect and pack my stuff and also me and Harvey have decided to keep the baby, and when the baby grows up I will still tell it about you and make sure it knows about you even though you do not want to know

Orlaith: ok Y/N/N, I will message Angelica to arrange it and Bye

Y/N/N: ok Bye Orlaith

A/N thank you for reading and please request down below

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