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England: I got the hair Li...

Li; I baked the pie.

England; They can get the pie now.








America; Its been two weeks now!! AND STILL IGGY AND LI ARENT BACK!!

China; I miss Li.

Russia&Prussia; --SnobSnobSnob--

Li; HELLOOOOO EVERYBODYYYYYYYY!!!! --Sings like a beautifull nightcore song---

Russia&Prussia; --RUN TO LI-- SnobSnobSnob--


England; This will do..--Pie on table--


Everyone; O.o PIE PIE PASTAAaaaaaaaaa PIE PIE PIE PIE --runs to pie--

Russia; I love you sistah da.

Prussia; I missed you beauty!

Everyone; -Eats pie-- Vomit-- BWAH WHAT IS THIS!! IT IS HAIR AAAAHHH EWW--

Li; Hold the hair.

Prussia; Why?

Li; Find the one whos got that hair.





Everyone; Yeah we found.

Li; Everyone is with someone they dislike haha. da....

Russia; What do i have to do with this imbicille? --Prussia looking ---

Prussia: More what do i have to do wit zhis imbicille? --Russia looking--

Li; Now kiss eachother.

Everyone: HELL NO

Li; You have to.

Everyone; Cupchuuuuuuu


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