Chapter 12~The Summers

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"Y/N what a lovely name for a pretty girl." Mrs. Summers said.

"Thank you Mrs.Summers." I say smiling.

"I insist you call me Katherine. Now, you three get inside. Alex, your brother has been waiting for you." Katherine says as she pushes us towards the door.

"You have brother Blondie? And you didn't tell me?"

"You didn't ask." He says shrugging his shoulders and smiling. As soon as we step foot inside a little boy come running up to Alex.

"ALEXXXXX!" He said screaming and Alex scoops him up.

"Hey buddy! You miss me?" He replies.

"Yeah! I wanna show you all my new toys!"

"I can't wait to see them!" I smile at the two of them. Alex let down the boy and started getting dragged by the hand to his play area. I watch with a huge smile on my face. Alex will be a great Dad some day. He sees me looking and gestures for me to come say hi and I make my way over to the pair.

"Hi. What's your name?" I say squatting down next to the boy.


"What a handsome name. I'm Y/N."

"Are you my brother's girlfriend?"

"Scott where'd you learn language like that?" Alex says embarrassed.

"Mom and Dad." Scott replies. "So are you?"

"Something like that." I say to him. "Do you got a girlfriend Scott?"

"What? No! Girls are gross." Scott replies.

"Yes they are very, very gross Scott." Alex replies and I playfully punch him rolling my eyes.

"Well Scott if girls are so gross than why can I do this?" My eyes light up red and a small fireball appears in my hand.

"Woah! That's so cool! Can you teach me?" Scott says.

"When you get your powers I'll teach you how to use them." I say smiling. I catch Alex looking at me. He smiles and all I can see is affection in his eyes. "Until then though...maybe you can teach me about your new toys?" I say to Scott.

"Yeah! Okay this one is Sergeant McFly." Scott says pointing to his toy solider.

"McFly you say? Interesting. Tell me more." Scott goes on and on about his toys while Alex and I watch and laugh. About an hour later the rest of the crew shows up and we go into a separate room to talk. While Darwin rests his eyes.

"So? What's the damage?" I say waiting for them to speak.

"It's bad. We can't use the facility anymore. Even if they did fix it we wouldn't be safe regardless." Hank says. Everyone's faces looks so glum and distant.

"Listen, I know it's hard but we can focus on the positives. Like, Darwin isn't dead." I say to the sad group.

"How is he holding up?" Raven asks.

"I honestly don't know. My powers, what ever they are, are stabilizing him but, I can't say for sure if there are any other variables that I haven't considered yet that could kill him. Which is why I think he shouldn't use his powers."

"So your suggesting we just what? Sideline him? He won't like that." Sean says.

"No disrespect but I don't give a damn how he feels. He could've died and if he uses his powers again so soon, he could. So if its between his life and his pride I'm choosing his life." Everybody is silent for a while looking at me. I can't put my finger on the kind of look that there're giving me. But it definitely looks like one out of respect.

"We should at least ask for his opinion before deciding anything." Alex says. I nod in approval.

"It won't change my opinion though. You guys have to know I'm right." I say. Then the door opens and Scott comes in.

"Hey Scotty what're you doing in here?" Alex says picking him up.

"Mommy says dinner's ready." Scott says while getting put down by Alex.

"Alright we'll be out there soon." Alex replies.

"Okay." He says walking out the door.

"I think we should reconvene after dinner. Tell Darwin then. We should let him rest." Sean says.

"Sean, is that the first smart thing you've said all day?" I ask him and the while group shares a laugh. "In all seriousness though, good idea. Raven, you mind waking him up?"

"Not a problem." Raven says. Then we all file out to the room and sit on the table eating dinner like one big happy family. Everyone was so happy and joking around that I forgot all about my near death experience or even the fact that I had powers. Soon after cleaning up all the dishes we went back into the room with Darwin and explained the situation.

"So you're sidelining me?" Darwin says. "No way. I can fight."

"Darwin I don't know how your condition is right now. Using your powers could kill you. Do you understand? I'm not going to have you die. I already made my decision."

"But what about mine? You can't make decisions for me."

"If I'm the person keeping you alive I can." I say.

"Look, I want to do this. I want to risk my life for this. For Angel so we can get her back."

"I really don't think she's coming back." Raven says.

"Even if that's true, I have to do this to save mutants everywhere. Please let me help." Darwin says. I look around the room at everyone. No one seems to give me any advice or anything until my gaze meets Alex's. He walks up to me and whispers in my ear:

"I support you. No matter what decision you make."

I nod at him and he gives me a peck on the cheek and walks back to where he was before.

"Okay, here's the deal. You get checked out when Charles and Erik come. And I mean alllllll the tests anyone could take. You don't use your powers a lot either you take it slow until we know for sure. Until then you can stay on the field but, I need you resting you understand?"

"Yes! That's all I wanted thank you!" He says and hugs me. I hug him back unable to hold the smile back on my face. Everyone is clapping and cheering and there just so annoying and yet I can't help but love them all.

"Everyone get some rest we're leaving early tomorrow morning to meet Erik and Charles." Alex says and everyone heads out of the room still clapping and cheering. I hold Alex's hand gesturing for him to stay back.

"Thank you for what you said Alex." I look down to the floor unable to meet his blue eyes for some odd reason.

"I'm just telling the truth." Alex says raising my chin so I'm looking at him in the eyes.

"Could I stay with you? In your room? I just don't want to be alone." I say embarrassed to even ask.

"Yeah why not? I got plenty of space. Come on." He says pulling me up his stairs into his room. It is filled with football pictures and trophies.

"Alex Summers popular among all."

"That is until they found out I was a mutant." He says with a mixture of sadness and anger.

"No ones perfect Blondie. You make due with what you got." I say to him. "Now, if you don't mind me I'm going to hog the left side of your bed." I say kissing him gently on the lips before sliding under the left side's covers.

"And I'll respectfully sleep on the right side." I laugh and I feel him slide into the bed. I move closer to him and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Good night Summers." I say to him my eyes drifting shut.

"Night Y/N" he says kissing my cheek.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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