chapter 78

188 2 0

Monday February 15 1:03am

Me and the girls were on decorating duty and the boys were inviting people.

A - do you have any friends you want to invite?

Y - did you put gio and vereena *walks to game room*

A - *follows you* yes I did

Y - what about Alejandro and leilani

A - *puts on invite list* ok got them anyone else?

Y - nope that's it *turns on bar lights*

A - ok do you need any help?

Y - no I think we are done I need to go get dressed

A - *sends invites* I'll go with you

We go to my room.

Y - should I wear a dress or pants?

A - I dont know show me both

Y - ok

I go in my closet and change into this⬇⬇⬇

I go in my closet and change into this⬇⬇⬇

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Y - this one is very simple

A - that's cute

Y - ok theres 2 more dresses be right back

I go change into this dress⬇⬇⬇

Y - its like the other one but a different color

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Y - its like the other one but a different color

A - yeah I like that one to

Y - ok and then I have one more dress

I go change into this dress⬇⬇⬇

I go change into this dress⬇⬇⬇

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