chapter 100

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(Ahhhh its chapter 100)

Monday February 21 7:10pm

Alex started driving

Y - where are we going?

A - you ask as if I'm gonna tell you

Y - fine

I played music while looking out to try and figure out where we are going until if felt a hand on my upper thigh so I looked over at alex and kissed his cheek. We have been driving for awhile now

Y - *whines* are we almost there

A - yes I promise like 2 more minutes

Y - ok

We finally got there and it was a kinda tall building

Y - what is this?

A - *parks* a building that me and the boys would come to sometimes

Y - yeah but what is it

A - who knows no one really comes here anymore

He gets off and goes around to open my door then closes it after I get out. I hold onto his arm and he opens the door for me so I walk in and he does to. The place was kinda dark but there was a small light coming from I dont know where so I just held onto Alex's arm again while he put his hand in his pocket. We went up some stairs and then he opens the door to reveal a dark hallway.

Y - this is creepy

A - its fine I promise and if anyone comes I won't let anything happen to you

We walked down the dark hallway and turned the corner into another dark hallway that had a door at the end. We walked all the way to the end of the door and he opened so i stepped out and felt a cool breeze on my skin which made me shiver. He grabbed onto my waist to pull me towards the edge and there was so many trees and you can see the city with all of the lights from here. I looked up and the sky was filled with stars and a bright moon, guess thats where the light came from.

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