Chapter 1

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Then, someone called out to her.

"Excuse me."

Following the source of the voice, Yua met their gaze.

"Oh, yes?" Cupping her drink with both her hands, she asked with a slight smile on her face. A girl with a small build stood in front of her. She had blond hair tied back in a ponytail. Wide hazelnut eyes that glistened as the sun laid its soft autumn rays over the city. She wore a beige suit coat, a tucked in plain white t-shirt and some jeans. Nice sense of fashion. She looked nice. Pretty. Very.

"Sorry! I thought you were someone I knew from high school."

"Wait. I feel like I've seen you before." Yua tilted her head, examining the girl, no, woman.

"Really? You have?"

"Maybe. In high school I used to be a manager for a volleyball team." Yua's smile widened as she thought back to all those times when she played volleyball with Tooru and Hajime. Good times.

"No way! I used to manage a volleyball team in high school too. Jeez, they were such a hassle. So energetic!" The girl giggled.

"Which school did you go to?" Yua turned the rest of her body, becoming more interested in this mystery girl.

"Karasuno High! And you?"

"No way! I went to Aboa Josahi! Man, you guys were good!" The girl blushed a bit and tilted her head with her hand on her cheek

"Awe! Thanks. Uh, I know this may sound weird but, is it alright if I sit down?" The girl pointed to the empty seat across from Yua. Yua glanced over at the chair.

"Oh, yes of course!"

"Thank you!" The girl pulled the chair out and sat. She reached out her hand to Yua. Yua grabbed the girl's hand. "I'm Yachi by the way. Yachi Hitoka." Yua shook Yachi's hand.

"Setoguchi. Setoguchi Yua."

"So, Setoguchi-san, how's life been treating you?" Yua let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well, long story short," Yua took a deep breath and set her cup down on the table. "My best friend since childhood decided to disappear off the face of the earth, graduated college, got a bad job that pays well, moved in with my other childhood friend when I broke up with my horrible ex-boyfriend, roomie broke his ankle, found the other friend when bringing roomie to the hospital, roomie moved in with other friend, and now I live alone still wondering what I'm gonna do with my life." Yachi sat there with a nervous smile.

"Wow. That's a lot to unpack."

"Yeah, sorry."

"No no no! It's okay! I've got time. It is Sunday after all." Yua smiled. It's not everyday you meet someone this sweet.

About 4 hours passed and the two girls really hit it off. It was almost like they were best friends catching up after such a long time. To them, it was like they'd known each other their whole lives. Yua felt a sense of warmth around Yachi. The same warmth she felt around Hajime and Tooru. It was nice. Comforting.

"Oh my! Look at the time. I'm so sorry Yachi-san but I've got to get going. I have to head to the store and make dinner." Yua said frantically while grabbing her bag.

"Alright. Well, it was nice meeting you Setoguchi-san." Yachi grinned softly while grabbing her bag as well.

"Y'know," Yua's voice was gentle. "This was fun. You wanna do this again next Sunday? We can get to know each other more." Yua looked up at Yachi after organizing her purse a bit. Yachi's soft facial features caused Yua to blush a bit. "Th-that is if you have the time." Yua rubbed the back of her neck and gave a sheepish chuckle.

"I'm always free on the weekends! I'd love to. This was so much fun. We could get lunch here too. I hear their lunch items are great."

"Awesome! So, same time as today?" Yua grabbed her phone to check the time again.


"So about 13:00?"

"Yeah. Can't wait, I'll see you next week, Yachi-san!" Yua waved while walking in the opposite direction which was the direction of the supermarket she was heading to.

Nice woman. Very nice woman.

Yua glanced over her shoulder to see Yachi's back blending in with the crowd of people.


Time really does pass fast, doesn't it? It's been three months already. Yachi-chan and I meet up every Sunday now. We meet up at the same cafe at 13-12 o'clock. She reminds me a lot of, what was her name? Ah right, Okazaki Kotomi. President of the music club. I wonder how life's treating her now. Yachi-chan's really sweet. I let her call me Yua now. She told me I can call her Hitoka, not really sure why I don't. I guess I just wanna be polite, though I sure that's not the real reason.

I haven't told Tooru or Hajime about her. I want to. I don't know what's holding me back. Every Saturday the boys and I have dinner at that Italian restaurant. I'm glad to see them doing well. I'm not struggling to pay rent like I thought I'd be, that's good. I don't know why but life's really bland right now. I found Yachi-chan, I hang out with Tooru and Hajime every week, I'm living my dream life, so why do I feel like something's missing?


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