Chapter 5

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 "Hitoka, you ready to head home?" Yua walked down the path that led to the parking lot.

"Yep!" Hitoka followed Yua down the path and hopped into the passenger seat of the front of the car.

"Alright. You wanna get food or just go home?"

"Let's just head home. I'm kinda tired."

"Okay, let's go home." Yua started the car and played the same song they danced to the day Yua moved in.

The two have been living together for five months, Yua worked at the same job that Hitoka was working at for five months. Tooru, Hajime and Hitoka got along well, everything was great. Yua was living her best life. Everyone was. It was nice.

"Yua." Hitoka called from the kitchen.

It was a Sunday morning, the girls stopped going to the cafe. Why would they need to? They lived together now.

"Yeah?" Yua answered, laying on the couch. Hitoka walked over and sat beside her, holding a plate of onigiri.

"Tonight I'm going to a high school reunion. Is it okay if I leave you alone for a couple hours tonight? I wanna go."

"Yeah of course. I can take care of myself." Yua sat up and picked an onigiri from the plate. "I'm a big girl." She joked, taking a bite. "Aren't Kageyama-kun and Hinata-san on volleyball teams still?"

"Yeah. You've seen them on TV?"

"Yep. Kageyama's on Schweiden Adlers, right?" Hitoka nodded. "And Hinata's on Black Jackals. Must be nice being able to say you were a manager for their high school team, huh?" Hitoka chuckled.

"Yeah I guess. Even though I don't get to see them at all unless it's on TV." Yua grabbed another onigiri.

"So when're you leaving?" Yua asked, her mouth full.

"At around 17 o'clock."

"Okay. What'cha wanna watch?" Yua grabbed the remote and clicked the TV on.

When 17:00 rolled around, Hitoka started getting ready for her high school reunion.

"Showin' up fashionably late, I see?" Yua teased once Hitoka walked out of her room, wearing a beautiful outfit. Hitoka giggled and nodded.

"I'm a bit nervous to see them again." She answered, fixing her jacket.

"You look beautiful, Hitoka." Hitoka blushed a bit, a grin forming on her face.

"Thanks, Yua." Hitoka looked at her watch and sighed. "Welp, guess I better get going." The two of them walked to the door. Hitoka opened it and stood in the door frame. She cupped Yua's face with both hands. "Be safe, okay, Yua? Be safe."

"I'm not gonna hurt myself." Yua chuckled. "I'm an adult, I'll be fine." Hitoka took her hands off Yua's face and smiled warmly.

"Okay. I'll see you later." She waved and closed the door.

Yua sighed and turned to look at the empty apartment.

"I don't think I've been alone in an apartment since Hajime left." She walked over to the couch and clicked the TV off.

She walked over to the fridge. "I kinda wanna surprise Hitoka with dinner. She might eat dinner with her high school friends though." She shrugged her shoulders. "She'll appreciate it." She opened the fridge to see it was nearly empty. She groaned. "Guess I have to go to the supermarket."

She walked over to her room, grabbed a somewhat thick, long jacket and her purse.

She ran down to her car and started it up.

25 minutes passed, she was at a red light, about to turn. Once the light turned green, she went to turn when a car came speeding at her. It hit her head on, right at the drivers door, making the car spiral and flip. Yua was screaming, covering her head. The seat belt that tried to protect her started choking her and glass penetrated her arms, stomach and legs. She was being crushed by the door and the armrest console. She eventually passed out, not knowing when or if help was going to come.


I don't remember what happened next. All I remember was being scared for my life in a tumbling car. I woke up in the hospital in an incredible amount of pain. There was no one there for a while. I don't know how long I was asleep. I don't think the person who got me into this mess stopped to help me. I think they just drove off. A hit and run. A**hole.


About three days passed before Yua woke up. Fairly quick for such a bad car accident. Hitoka, Tooru and Hajime showed up nine hours after she woke up. Apparently they went to visit her everyday, waiting for hours on end, hoping, praying that she would wake up soon.

When the three of them arrived, Hitoka gasped. She ran over and hugged Yua tight.

"Ow, Hitoka." Yua whispered. Hitoka let go of the injured girl quickly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." She bowed multiple times.

"It's okay, Hitoka. I should be saying sorry."

"No no no. Yua, this isn't your fault." Tooru placed his hand on Yua's shoulder softly. 

All three of them had tears in their eyes. Hitoka's tears were streaming down her cheeks, coating them in a thin layer of salty, wet, cold tears. 

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