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Elliot wakes up and sees Jonathan cuddling up to the pillow. He sighs and gets up. He gets dressed and fixes his hair. Elliot goes over to a sleeping Jonathan. "Hey, Johnny... wake up..." Jonathan groans and opens his eyes. "Morning..." 

"Listen, I can't stay around, I have to head out for a meeting..." "how long's the meeting?" Elliot sighs. "It's in a different city for a week..." Jonathan shakes his head. "Let me come with you..." "I wish I could, it's for the business... plus, I don't like to have older men around you..." 

Jonathan nods and looks away. Elliot kisses him and Jonathan kisses back. Elliot pushes him down. "We have to be quick... I leave in a bit..." Jonathan nods. Elliot removes the blankets and sees Jonathan's dick, standing tall. He licks up the side and huffs hot air onto it. 

Jonathan moans. Elliot goes down on it with his mouth. "E-Elliot..." Elliot keeps going and Jonathan cums. "D-Don't swallow it..." Elliot keeps his mouth closed them gets an idea. He opens his mouth a bit and let's the cum drip out of his mouth and onto Jonathan's dick. 

Elliott wipes his mouth. Jonathan looks at him. "How long?" "A week... I promise, when I get back, well stay in the bedroom and have sex all day..." Jonathan blushes. "Okay..." Elliot kisses him before grabbing his bag and leaving. Jonathan sits there and sighs. 

First time being alone in a while. He gets up and heads to the bathroom. He takes a shower and feels a soreness. He whimpers and looks down. He rubs a finger over his nipple and whimpers. He gets out and gets dressed in one of Elliot's shirts and a pair of jeans. 

He sighs and doesn't know what to do. 


He leaves the hotel and cameras flash. He ignores them and sees Bella. He goes over. "Hey..." She smiles and hugs him. "Where's Elliot?" "He's got a meeting somewhere for a week..."  She nods. "Lets hang out..." Jonathan nods and they walk around New York. 

Cameras flash around them. "How's it get with the paparazzi..." "Just ordinary people taking pictures..." Bella smiles and wraps an arm around his shoulders. He smiles and leans closer. "Lets head somewhere for lunch..." Jonathan nods and they go into a sandwich shop. 

They order and sit inside. Jonathan and Bella talk during their lunch and head out again. Elliot and Bella walk around the city in a comfortable silence. "I'm gonna head back to the hotel..." Bella nods and hugs him. "Get back safe... call me..." 

Jonathan nods and they go their separate ways. Jonathan sees a lot more cameras and he isn't paying attention to anything but to get back to the hotel. The cameras start to disappear and Jonathan sighs in relief. He feels arms wrap around him and a hand over his mouth. 

He's shoves into a car and blindfolded. He feels someone tying his hands up. He starts screaming and crying. "Shut up!" Jonathan quiets down. Jonathan knows he's not gonna see Elliot anymore. He falls asleep without meaning to .

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