Chapter 4, The Rule Breaker.

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Lewis's POV.
The guards were coming. We all hid behind a curtain. I heard the keys clink together on the guard's belt.

"What are we gonna do?" Niall whispered.

"Lewis! You think of something." Camila said sternly.

"I'm not good a floor planning while being hunted by a team of guards who basically want to kill us!" I whisper shouted. Then suddenly, yet ironically, an idea came into my head

"Actually. I have an idea. We need someone to be bait. We need a distraction. I will sneak up behind the guard and knock him out, we will make a run for it out that door."

"Lewis, are you insane??" Brittany said.

"I've always been crazy," I responded.

"Since I was his prisoner, I'll be bait." James volunteered. Niall patted him on the shoulder.

"Good luck, mate." He said.

No one's POV
As the guard walked into the room, he noticed that James wasn't there.

"Sir. We have a problem. Our prisoner has escaped. He was just here a half hour ago!" The guard spoke into his walkie talkie.

"Search everywhere. Don't let them get away!"

Lewis gave the signal for James to distract the guard...

James's POV.
I ran our of hiding.

"Hey you!!!" I called out, hands on my hips and my head held high. He glared at me. Like he was ready to run after me.

"Leave my friends alone!" I said in confidence. I look behind him, and see Lewis with a metal pole. I gave him a thumb's up.

Lewis's POV.
James gave me the thumbs up to strike. I hit him in the head with the pole, making him instantly unconscious.

"Run guys run!!!" I called out. We made a run for the door, as the door opened, there stood three guards.

"Caught you red handed, Capaldi." One of the guards said. I turned around to face my friends. Brittany's eyes stared at me in terror.

"I-its not his fault... It's mine!" She cried out. I couldn't let her take the blame. I almost lost James Arthur. I can't lose her!

"No, Brittany. We both know I'm the murderer..." I said back to her. "Take me."

She grabbed my arm. I pulled away.

"It's for the best, I love you." I said. I walked up to the guards.

"I'm ready..."

They gave me this bottle and said... "drink it..."

I took a drink, and I felt limp, I blanked out...

Brittany's POV.
"LEWIS!!! NOOOOO!!!!" I called out. Looking down at Lewis,

"What... What's gonna happen to him???" Niall asked, with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, that's up to the captain." One of the guards said, suddenly, I felt a pair of hands grip me.

"Take them somewhere where they won't do any harm to us." The guard demanded. "Especially Lewis's girlfriend. We don't want such fowl actions to ruin that pretty face..."

Lewis's POV.
I woke up, dazed, I look around, I notice my hands... I can't move them! I felt something on my mouth.

"MMMM!" I tried to talk, but my mouth was covered.

"Oh, you're awake?" A man said, he was tall, had a slim face, and his mouth looked like it was smiling and frowning at the same time.

"MMMMMMMM" I wish I could get this thing off my mouth.

"You wanna speak?" He walked closer to me and pulled off the mask covering my mouth.

"What is the point... What is the purpose of this game?..." I spoke...

"It's fun watching you guys try to kill each other!" He exclaimed.

"So... You brought us here... For your own entertainment?????....." I exclaimed.

"I guess you could say that. You know, Capaldi. You have been very interesting to watch. How you risked your life... and gave it twice... Just to save your friends..."

"I won't give up until they're all safe, and if it requires my death, then so be it..." I spoke up.

"Well, thanks to your little stunt, they won't live to see another day... And neither will you..." He pointed a gun at me... "Any last words, Capaldi?"

Suddenly, that instinct came back, that instinct that made me kill Harry... Suddenly, I felt the strength rise inside of me. I reached into my pocket for my knife, cut the rope, and broke free.

"As a matter of fact, I do." I said, and I attacked him.

"MY EYE!" he screamed. I was about to continue, when I realized my friends probably think I'm dead! I have to finish him later.

I ran off, not turning back.

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