Chapter 13~An Awkward Moment...

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Mondo's POV:

I feel my face go red as he leans his head on my shoulder. This unlike me to do, but I don't care...I don't want him to be upset. I pet his hair some, hugging him a bit tighter. This is kinda weird though...I've never actually hugged him before...him being this close to's comforting...~ I haven't felt this way since...the last time my bro hugged me...I sigh a bit. I have to let go of the past...I can't hang onto my bros death forever...I know I have to move on, but...ugh! Why does it have to be so difficult?! It sucks...I hate it...

I release him from the hug, noticing that his head is still leaning on my shoulder, "Ah...Chihiro...?" I say as I lift him off my shoulder, seeing that he fell asleep. Heh...he's all tired from our workout...~ I lay him back down, covering him up with his blanket. I'll let him rest for a while...afterwards we'll go get something to eat...I watch as he snuggles his pillow, laughing a bit. He...really is adorable...~ I sigh a bit as I'm about to stand up, stopping when I hear him say something, "Mondo..." he mumbles, making me look back at him a bit surprised. Huh...? Why is he saying my name...? Is he dreaming or something...?

I sit back down, watching as he stirs some, noticing he's starting to look upset. It...looks like it's a bad dream...I pet his hair some, which calms him down a little, "'s okay's okay..." I whisper, making him smile some. That's better...~ As I move my hand away from his head, I feel him grab it, making me blush some, "Mondo..." I hear him mumble again, nuzzling my hand and hugging my arm as he does. Looks like I won't be getting up any time soon...

I sigh some, scooting him over a little so I can lay down, trying not to move my arm away as I do. At least he's small, so I'll have plenty of room...I lay down and look at his face, groaning a bit. What the fuck am I doing?! I shouldn't be doing this...ugh this is gonna be an awkward conversation when he wakes up. I should just move my arm away and go back to my own bed, but...I don't want to. I use my free hand to pet his hair some, making him smile and nuzzle my other hand again. I smile some and close my eyes. At least I'll be able to get some rest myself...

~A While Later~

Chihiro's POV:

I slowly open my eyes, rubbing them some. I guess I fell asleep...I was gonna get up, until I realized that...something was wrapped around me. Huh...? I look up, seeing that Mondo's face is inches away from mine. I feel my face go red and look back down. W-Why is Mondo in my bed?! I glance back up, sighing a bit. It looks like he's asleep, but why in my bed...? I feel him tightening his arms around me, making me blush more. I'm...very close to his chest...I run my hand down it, smiling some. His muscles are...amazing...~ I scoot a bit closer and lean my head against his chest, snuggling some. He's kinda like a big teddy bear...~ Except he's the one hugging me instead of me hugging him...

I laugh a bit to myself. This is...pretty awkward, but I don't hate it...~ From what I see, it looks like Mondo doesn't either...~ I look down some. While I was asleep, I had a's not one I expected, but it did make me kinda upset. I remember walking down a hallway that was was...pretty lonely. I then suddenly see Mondo, but instead of coming towards me...he walks away from me. I was running towards him...trying to catch up, but it felt like the hallway was just getting longer and he was getting farther away. I was crying because...I didn't want him to leave me...I didn't want to be alone...I sigh some. It really was a weird dream, but it does get better...~

I look back up at him, smiling some. After a while of me running, I stop...falling onto my knees in tears, but then all of a sudden...he walks back over to me, kneeling down and petting my head...~ I remember looking up and smiling at him, hugging him tightly like I'd never let go, but after that it's all a haze...I look back down with a blush, grabbing onto his shirt and leaning my head back against his chest. I feel like...this dream is trying to tell me something...I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I have a strong feeling I might know. I sigh a bit. I don't want to think about it right now...I feel relaxed...and...I don't wanna get up just yet...~

I after a little while longer I feel him stirring, me quickly closing my eyes so he doesn't see me awake. I sigh a bit. He's probably just gonna push me away and get up...I wouldn't be surprised if he did...I wait for him to get up, but instead he...pets my head...? I blush some. This...feels like how it did in my dream...~ I nuzzle up to him, smiling some. This is a great feeling, did we get like this in the first place...? I sigh a little to myself. I guess I should 'wake up' now...I stir some and roll onto my back, yawning a bit. I open my eyes to see him looking down at me, making me blush some. Welp...this got even more awkward...

"So ah...did you sleep okay...?" Mondo asks, me blushing more and twiddling my thumbs some. "Ah...yea I did...~ I slept good and ah...don't feel sore from our workout anymore...~" I say with a bit of an awkward laugh, making him smile. "I'm glad...~" he says as he moves his arm out from under me and sits up, making me a little sad, "Sorry I was ah...y'know...laying in your bed instead of mine..." My eyes widen some, "Don't be sorry! I...don't mind...I'm sure you were tired too...~" I say with a bit of a smile, making Mondo blush some. "Hehe Yea..." he says as he rubs his neck, "You wanna go grab a bite to eat...?"

"Sure! I'm pretty hungry...~" I say as I sit up some, wincing a bit. Ugh...why am I still sore...? I thought I'd be better by now...Mondo frowns and sighs a bit as he stands up, heading towards the door, "I'll go get us some food, lay there and rest a little longer..." he says, me shaking my head. "No no I'm okay! I can stand up~" I say as I try to get up, my legs giving out. They feel like they're a mix of throbbing and asleep...he quickly hurries back over to me, picking me up and setting me back on my bed, "This is why I told you not to get up..." he covers me back up, laughing a bit, "I'll go get something to help with the pain...I'll be back in a bit...~" Mondo says as he ruffles my hair, heading back towards the door afterwards.

Once he leaves I look down some. I really wanted to go with him, but I guess least we'll get to have a private meal together like when we had breakfast before...~ It kinda feels like a-...I blush some when I realize what I'm thinking. No no no it's not a date! It's not! We're...not like that. I'm not a pretty girl...he wouldn't be interested in me at all...we're just friends...that's it. I groan and carefully bring my knees up, laying my head on them. Who am I kidding...I can't deny how I feel...I like him. I really do. I just...I want to be closer to him...I sigh some. Whoever ends up with gonna be the luckiest person ever...

Mondo's POV:

What was that?! How did we end up like that?! I feel my face grow more red, groaning some. That was so fucking awkward...I should've just went back to my own bed...laying next to him was a bad idea...I sigh some and smile a little. Though...I can't help how...cute he looked...~ All snuggled up to me like that...~ He looked...pretty comfortable...~ I laugh some to myself. It looked like me being there helped him sleep...which is good, but...I still wonder what he dreamed about. I remember him looking must've been something bad to make him tear up like that...

As I stop in front of the cafeteria doors, I sigh some. I don't know what to do...I'm not sure how to feel about this...I mean...I always thought he was pretty cute, but that was back when I thought he was a girl. Now...I'm starting to think he's cute the way he is now...he's a sweet and...adorable boy who has the drive and confidence to get stronger...~ Heh...I feel so being together would be a bad idea's not like the others would even accept us...they would probably be disgusted and I don't want them to hate Chihiro because of me. He...probably doesn't even like me anyways, so I guess...I have nothing to worry about...

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