✔️ Busy. (Hanyu)

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"Honeyyyyy." Y/N whined and pouts as she kept trashing on the soft couch and throw anything at the floor.

hanyu groaned and looked at his girlfriend, he then sigh and started to type something on his laptop once again.

"Hanyuuu! buy me some ice cream, pretty pleaseeee?" an aegyo blasted, hanyu then stare at the annoying girl.

"Darling, you can see that I'm busy right? maybe later, okay?" he cooed, but that made the lion roar one more.

"Yah! just buy me!" Y/N yelled at the top of her lungs, hanyu felt the house shaked making him shook his head and went towards the girl who's having a period that's why she's acting like that, as a good boyfriend he was he can't just resist his whining yet cute girlfriend.

"Okay, just behave okay? wait for me. I love you." the doughnut sweetly stated as he declare a kiss on Y/LN's lips.

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