✔️Bully. (Xinlong)

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"Aish. where's my book?" I asked myself out of frustration as I kept searching my bag and below my desk, where the fuck is it.

"Are you looking for this?" a deep voice said making me face him, my eyebrows immediately furrowed and stood up trying to reach my favorite book from his hand.

"Xinlong! give it back!" I yelled hoping that he'll give it, but he didn't. he leaned into my face, and place the book above my desk and smirk.

I didn't move, the bully I hate the most yet love the most is Infront of me.

"I guess you're flustered huh? you nerd."

"I-i'm not!" freak, it's so obvious that I lied.

I was about to speak when he captured my lips with his pair, I shot my eyes wide. trying to process what happened, as the eagerness took me I responded back with the same desire.

He pulled out with a naughty grin once again, I blushed. realizing the thing I did.

"I-it's not that-" my sentence got cut off when he shushed me with his index finger that were placed on my lips.

"Y/N Y/LN, you're now officially the handsome bully's girlfriend. So, don't disagree or else I'll punish you. . .

with pleasure." he huskily whispered and winked.

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