uhh ://

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Jia Hanyu
- a shy type
- cheeky smiles
- cute chuckle
- would laugh at everything you'll do.
- "E-eh?" stutters whenever you'll say something sweet or cheesy.
- kisses on the lips!

Li Zihao
- ✨f e m i n i n e✨
- makeups supermacy.
- loves to dance sexy choreographies especially to u.
- softieee
- hugs hugs hugs!
- "I love you, don't leave me."

He Xinlong
- s-seductive
- lip bites/smirks
- naughty (u know what i mean babe.)
- loves to pull a prank on u
- looks not clingy but she is
- flirt

Yu Zeyu
- Sassy 💅
- Fashionistaaaaaa
- clingy clingy clingy
- soft
- 4'11
- bad temper
- always jealous
- sensitive

Gou Mingrui
- tiny laughs
- foods!
- whines when she can't have the thing she wants
- sings your favorite song(s)
- 👁️👄👁️
-  loves to learn music instruments
- will teach you some self-defence skills.

Ren Shuyang
- stuff toys!!
- a little cub who doesn't want to roar
- simple/ always wears glasses
- shy shy shy
- cuddles.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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