Tribes Goddess- Short Story. *edited*

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Descended from tribes hundreds of years ago,
there is an old tale of how the four seasons came to be.

There was once a tribe that had produced very little food one year. During that time it was constantly summer, the heat scorched the earth plants grew on. Although there was meat they would also need herbs and vegetables. The tribe had decided their leader must ask the goddess for guidance. The chief went up the mountain, once he reached the top, he knelt down, bowed his head and whispered,
"will thy goddess creator of nature help my tribe during these troublesome days. Grant us what it is we need for our plants growth to prosper in the sweltering heat." After his prayer was finished he climbed down the mountain.

Days went by with the same burning sun. The tribe Began to question the goddess and their Chief. He decided to go up the mountain once more, as he reached the mountains roots
something floated down from the stars. It landed on his cheek, wet and cold, more came floating down, he could see it bore many patterns ; it looked like a star that had died and left the sky for another to take its place. The star melted almost instantly after from the heat of his skin.

He hurried back to his tribe to tell them of this cold dead star that fell.

Once informed they all rejoiced thinking it was the goddess' doing to help the plants.

The next morning the chief walked out of his tent to find that the cold star had multiplied and covered the ground with a white star filled sky. The tribes people emerged from their tents soon after curious of what this was. The children started flinging the white stars at each other laughing and watching it melt as it hit their heated skin. A mother spoke out to the chief and tribe, " is this the making of our goddess? How will this help our plants growth, it is cold and will kill our plants." The chief had heard the words of their goddess in the night before, " she came to my dreams last night. This is her answer for us. Giving us seasons, snow, rain, sun, and leaves. This will replenish the land each year. There is problems we will have to face still with these seasons. Winter, the snow, will be the hardest, but this is what we must endure for what she has granted us."

The tribes people looked at the chief and nodded their acceptance at these new seasons

Since that day we have had our four seasons, we have and still endure the cold and heat the goddess gave us. We should be eternally grateful to her.

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