Chapter 1: Avenger on Site

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"The question is, who is controlling it and why," the agent mutters, staring at his screen.

"Director Hayward!" A soldier rushes into the room.

"What is it, Sergeant?"

"She's here."

"Excellent, please show her in," the man dressed in the formal business suit says. He stands and prepares to meet this previously undocumented member of the Avengers. Youthful and allegedly in training, this enhanced individual was a complete anomaly. Her signature was not on the Sokovia accords and she was in fact reported missing for multiple years. It was documented that she was seen after the Snap in the presence of the "superhero" team and had taken part in the battle after the Blip. The thing was... now with all the said Avengers reported missing, it was strange that she was somehow missed.

Several sets of footsteps echo down the hallway and the agent-turned director, Tyler Hayward, straightens his tie and attempts to be presentable.

"Avenger on the premises," the soldier announces.

The sight of this person takes many aback.

A young woman, hardly eighteen years old walks into the office filled with shelves of documents, certificates of achievement, as well as sleek leather chairs, blinds concealing some unknown happenings and a desk. The woman has pale skin that borderlines on being completely translucent. She wears a simple black leather jacket over a black shirt, both of which make her said skin look even paler and ghostly. She wore a pair of comfortable jeans and sneakers, a casual outfit that was a far cry for an alleged superhero. She has long, silvery blonde hair pulled into a low-hanging ponytail. Her bright blue eyes give off a hypnotic stare that almost seems to glow in the dimly lit facility. Her lips pull back into a polite smile as she approaches the man.

"Ms. Roberts," the head agent nods, reaching out to shake her hand.

"Agent Hayward," the young woman nods, returning the gesture. Her voice was soft and smooth, the point of also being alluring.

"Director," he corrects quickly.

The young woman smirks. "Your personal insecurities of your position will not bode well for your mental and emotional states, Director," she says in a matter-a-fact tone of voice.

The agent tries to remain stoic and avoid the embarrassment of being called out for his deeply suppressed insecurities.

"I... I beg your pardon?" he finally manages to say.

The girl gives a mischievous grin and her hypnotic icy blue eyes appear to glow ever so slightly again.

"My apologies. I am known as an empath; meaning I have an enhanced sense of people's emotions. You are fortunate that my mind-reading abilities are still in development."

The man's eyes go wide in shock before attempting to collect himself and remain professional. His hatred for powered individuals seethes just under the surface, completely unaware that this Avenger can sense this already and she has an immediate distrust of him. Clearly, the feeling is shared between both parties.

He clears his throat.

"Please," he says offering her a chance to sit by pointing to one of his sleek leather chairs.

She does so. "Thank you."

"Now uhm..." Hayward shuffles some papers on his desk, looking for the young woman's file. "Where to begin... you are an Avenger, correct?"

"In the strongest sense of the word, yes," the woman answers evenly.

The cryptic answer confuses him. "I'm sorry?" he asks.

"I am an Avenger, though due to my young age and undocumented powers, I was often seen as a trainee rather than a full member." She laughs aloud at her thoughts. Peter is younger than me and he's a member already.

At the thought of him, her smile fades to temporary sadness, a horrible memory surfacing. She does her best to remain composed.

"I see... but as of today... you are a member of this team?"

"I'd say so," she says, smirking again. She's enjoying playing these games with him.

"Well," Hayward says, attempting to move past this and continue. "You did participate in this... battle correct?"

"Someone had to help save the universes," she nods

"Yes... uhm... yes... and due to recent events, you may be the only Avenger not missing."

"Missing or hidden?" the girl mutters to herself in a barely audible whisper. Her painted fingernails scratch the surface of the chair, fidgeting for reasons known only to her.

"May I ask why this happened?"

"That... Mr. Hayward, I cannot fully answer at this current moment."

"Director," he corrects her, with more annoyance this time. "And why not?"

"Because I am unsure of it myself... you see the universes have a strange and almost funny way of working Director. You see, they are constantly shifting and rearranging themselves, creating multiple possibilities and multiple outcomes. Some will come to fruition and others will not, nothing is concrete and can never be fully explained. What I can tell you with certainty Sir is that this was no accident and there was a reason I have not ended up like my fellow allies."

Tyler Hayward stares at this woman in disbelief. He was beyond annoyed already... the hatred of mystic forces and individuals with "powers" (if they could even be called that) once again is resurfacing. He is a man of science and warfare; he relied on facts, weapons, and proof, not magic, myths, and unknown factors. He grinds his teeth in frustration and attempts to remain composed by standing up and walking to the blinds of his office, gazing out into seemingly nothing.

"Your frustration is actually quite similar to my own," the woman says, not even looking at him.

"I beg your pardon."

"Your frustration of not knowing things and not being able to have all the answers is a common aggravation for all humans. I myself feel such emotions on a regular basis but it is on a much vaster and mythical scale. I understand your skepticism of trusting me, especially on these matters, but sadly, if you want a more desirable outcome, we are going to have to work together..."

And I know such comradery will not come, she thinks to herself.

"If it makes you feel more at ease, your superiors will be thankful for your insight and your... research..." Her teeth grind on the word, being shown the truth in flashes, but like a puzzle, the pieces will not fit together to give her a clear picture.

"How... how can you know this?" Hayward asks, turning from the window to her. He grimaces in the further annoyance of this woman... no a child... talking in riddles. However, the mention of his superiors catches him off guard.

"Over the years, I have come to realize that I possess a form of precognition."

The man raises his eyebrow.

"Being able to see coming events," she answers.

"You can... see the future?" he asks.

"Bits and pieces and things rarely turn out the way you want them to."

Like this meeting, Hayward thinks.

"Any further abilities that I could become aware of?" he grumbles.

"I'll keep you posted," she smirks playfully.

A/N: Hello everyone. So I have been watching WandaVision and I love the bizarre and clever twists that the show has brought into the MCU. I decided to put my own twists on the television show for fun and I hope you enjoy it. Just a note and spoilers! Tony Stark survived the end of Endgame... at least as far as we know...

All rights for characters and concepts go to Disney and Marvel. I own nothing. My original character belongs to me.

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