an author's note

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[ this will eventually be deleted ]

ahhh ...

well, where do i even begin?

to anyone reading this, hi, hello, i love you for still being invested enough in this story to click on an update (even if it's sadly not a new chapter)

before anyone freaks out, no, this is not an announcement of the end of this story. far from it, actually

if anything, i desperately want to finish this story. i have so many ideas left for it with an ending already planned out — far in the future, of course — and i've wanted to see this through since june of 2019

life just got in the way. for anyone who's been around this profile for awhile, you'll know that i graduated college last year which in turn made me a ~ real adult ~. for the past few months, i've just been job hunting and trying to adjust to a life that has more responsibility in it than i'm used to

while my love for nirvana and our lovely boy david has never faded, my energy to write this story did for a little bit. the thing about having seen my kurt story come full circle is that i'm basically rewriting it again, except with dave at the forefront. it was getting a little repetitive, cataloguing nirvana's extensive history into these chapters when i felt like i'd already done that with ITS. trying to keep the facts right when writing this story is my greatest curse, but also my greatest blessing

i am a perfectionist when it comes to getting things right to a TEE. i don't stray away from the reality of history, so i was getting pretty bogged down trying to inject this story with my creativity but also sticking to an accurate timeline. i sort of bit myself in the ass with that one, because in the midst of all this COVID craziness, i just gave up writing entirely. it was depressing. life got weird. it fucking sucked

i also want to say that i came back here to thousands of notifications. so many of you have continued to support my writing even in my absence, and for that i am so fucking grateful. i actually teared up a bit when i saw the vast amount of comments and votes that have been left on ITS and OOTR while i was gone. you guys are really amazing for that. writing for you (and for myself obviously) has been my greatest source of joy for the last several years. i may not be able to reply to each and every mark made over these last few months, but please know that i've seen them and that i am so eternally appreciative

so basically ...

i'll leave it up to you guys

would anyone like to see this story continued? if there is a still a source of desire to see it finished amongst my readers, then i believe that will give me a kick in the butt to complete it

a lot of my first friends on wattpad are no longer around. while that hurts my heart, it cannot be ignored that new readers have emerged (hello btw, you are all my best friends already). so to all of you, welcome!! this profile is a shit show, but it's a shit show that exists to please

if you guys want me to complete OOTR, i will. if you want me to start creating a new kurt/dave story, i will. i guess i would just like to know the general consensus of my audience before i jump right back into this. and this time, i'd prefer not to disappear

it's good to be back. i hope you all are doing well and i love you <3

OUT OF THE RED ↝ dave grohlWhere stories live. Discover now