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        THE STICKY GOO of the green substance smeared across Reagan's face was slowly hardening into a plaster as she sat in a spa chair, cloaked in one of the fluffy hotel robes that Courtney seemed to be particular fond of. Courtney was beside her, engaging in her usual spout of rapid babbling and wearing a face mask identical to Reagan's.

From the time Reagan had been forced downstairs by Courtney's hand and into the spa, her independence had been almost entirely revoked. It would have normally pissed her off if it weren't for the way Courtney seemed to be so sincere in every decision that she made.

No matter how bossy she was, Reagan had to at least acknowledge the goodwill behind Courtney's gesture. Just as she'd been in New York, Courtney was thrilled to have Reagan with her. For her, Reagan was a girl in her life who wasn't looking to pick a fight with her or turn her nose up at her sometimes condescending-behavior. Courtney liked competition, but next to Reagan, there was none. They were more like equals rather than counterparts, strangely destined to be linked by their unexpected friendship.

It was beginning to feel impossible for Reagan to not like Kurt's fiancée no matter how many times the loud-mouthed front-woman overstepped her boundaries. Courtney reminded Reagan of the girls she'd once met back in Olympia, except that she was all around more genuine and honest than anyone else Reagan had ever met. She was unapologetic and transparent about every utterance that left her mouth. Even if it was somewhat grudgingly, Reagan really did like Courtney.

"It's crazy to think that I'm actually growing a kid in there," Courtney said, eyeing her stomach with giddy amazement.

"You never really get used to the idea," Reagan said. She barely moved her lips as she spoke — her perfectly spread face mask was at risk of cracking if she did.

"It's so nice to talk to someone who fucking gets it," Courtney said as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. "I'm tired of everyone having a gross, negative perspective about the whole thing."

Reagan knew what Courtney was referring to, mostly because of what Dave had already told her. Upon everyone finding out that Courtney was pregnant, many people had assumed that the baby would suffer abnormalities due to her drug use, Reagan included. Courtney had stood strongly against that theory.

"You better be on my side," Courtney said irritably, peering at Reagan sideways with rigid expectancy.

"I believe you. But what else did you think would happen?" Reagan asked. "Everyone knew what was going on. Kurt sucked at hiding that secret. Of course people are concerned about you both and the baby."

"Are you really giving me shit right now?" Courtney demanded.

"Yes," Reagan shot back. A flash of hurt reflected in Courtney's eyes and regretfully, Reagan sighed. "Don't you want me to be honest with you? Everyone is looking out for you and Kurt, Courtney."

Reagan couldn't find it within herself to be scared of Courtney, especially when she sought her out constantly friendship. For Reagan, she recognized in Courtney the same tough exterior that Kimberly had worn for years but recently shed in intervals. They were women who could appear as bullies for their hardened ways, but somewhere beneath that fortitude existed a weakness. It didn't take away from Courtney's rawness in character, but it left her as an acquired taste for most.

And besides — Reagan had taken enough shit off of Kimberly for years. She was friends with Courtney, but there was no way she would permit a pattern of abuse like that to continue.

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