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Green surrounds Dean, life pouring from every detail as though the woods breathe with him. A warm hum emanating from the place, soothing him with a welcome peace. Singing birds and the soft rays of the sun allow a feeling of calm, something Dean had yearned for all his life. Glancing around, rolling hills of trees and wilderness accommodate for the overwhelming life surrounding him. The gentle sun curls its way across his skin, illuminating him with an innate glow and the never-ending plants highlight the green of his eyes.

Well, at least I made it to Heaven. Dean spoke to himself out loud.

Yep. Sat beside him on the porch of a small cabin, was Bobby. The homey shack exuded the same comforting energy Bobby always had extended to Dean, worn weatherboards infused with love. Perched on a small chair, Bobby, sat facing the extensive lake before him. Flawless dark blue infused with green shimmered before them, the sun catching on the ripples and echoing over the trees. The shadows of dancing leaves fluttering across the waters surface in a great foxtrot motion.

What memory is this? Confusion laced Deans voice.

It aint, ya idjit, Bobby replied with a sift chuckle, Dean realising how much he missed the endearing term from the older man. Despite Bobbys kind smile, Deans expression was furrowed in perplexity

Yeah, it is. Nodding affirmingly, Deans pinched eyebrows holding doubt. Cause the last I heard, you, his cautious nature causing him to walk further onto the porch. You were in Heavens lock-up. Looking around warily as Bobby scoffs behind him.

Was. He stated. Now Im not. Turning to face him, Dean had his hands slightly outstretched as though trying to grasp some understanding of the current situation. That kid of yours, before he wentwherever, made some changes here. Dean let his eyes flicker to the trees momentarily in disbelief, a sense of pride settling within him at Jacks work. Busted my ass out. Relaxing slightly at the revelation of the change, Dean took a tentative seat next to Bobby. And then he – well, he set somethings right. Tore down all the walls up here. Heaven aint just reliving your golden oldies anymore. Its what it always shoulda been. Everyone happy. Deans facial features and soothed into a warm look of admiration. Everyone together. He couldnt believe it, his – their Jack had done all this. Rufus lives about 5 miles that way, with Aretha. At Deans shocked expression, Bobby continued: Thought shed have better taste. Earning an acknowledging glance from Dean. And your mum and dadthey got a place over yonder. Deans sight following Bobbys pointed arm, shocked into silence. It aint just Heaven Dean. Its the Heaven you deserve. Deans eyes crinkled with the forethought of a smile. And weve been waiting for ya. Opening the cooler, Bobby pulls out a second beer, cracking it open and passing it to Dean. Breaking from his stupor, Dean finally spoke.

So, Jack did all that? An inordinate amount of amazement and pride underscoring his tone. Releasing a sigh, Bobby replied.

WellCass helped. At that name, Dean released a puff of air, Bobby giving him a knowing look, as a smile crawls onto Deans face and produces a small chuckle. He was glad that he wasnt trapped in the blackness of the Empty and could be with his kid. Free from a dulling afterlife, brought back to be with his son, to be happy. Its a big, new world out there. Youll see. Finally resubmerging into the pool of peace and calm, Dean took a sip of the beer.

Oh, wow. He stated looking down at the bottle in thought. This tastes like the first drink I ever shared with my dad. His eyes warming at the memory, a small laugh escaping Bobby.

Quality stuff?

No, its crap. Despite his negative words, Deans tone held happiness, lilted with a joyful undertone. Both men sharing a chuckle at the memory. But it was fantastic.

Just like this. Both Dean and Bobby, observe the majesty before them. Taking a quick glance at Bobby, Dean couldnt help the small, tense feeling within his chest.

HAPPINESS IN THE HAVING (Supernatural Alternate Destiel Ending) Where stories live. Discover now